Georgia, Oh Georgia … It All Comes Down To You – IOTW Report

Georgia, Oh Georgia … It All Comes Down To You

By the comments, it seems that many of you are prepared to sit this election out because you are convinced that there is no possible way that Donald Trump could have lost other than fraud. Four fucking years of MSM propaganda, and the seething hatred felt toward our guy by half the country – just might have played a part. Hello? At some point, you’re going to have to wake up and smell the coffee. GET TO YOUR POLLING PLACE AND VOTE!!! The whole game is on the line. -Dave

14 Comments on Georgia, Oh Georgia … It All Comes Down To You

  1. Mr. Pinko – “…Georgia won’t make a difference with all the POS RINOs in Congress and Senate…”

    The whole point of the video was, don’t throw in the towel because you don’t think it will make a difference. EVERY little gain helps. You have to start somewhere – it might as well be Georgia.

    We don’t have a two party system in D.C. anymore – it’s the Uniparty (i.e., Ruling Class Party) against the people.

  2. It’s not right that they doing an election when there’s all this evidence of fraud. A government power resides in the confidence of the people have in that government. “By the consent of the governed” just blowing past this without getting to the truth not the roads are faith in free and fair elections. It completely utterly destroys it. I am not a fan of martial law, but I do think in the circumstances we need to prove either for or against whether or not there was fraud by foreign entities or by domestic entities. “That’s the whole game.” Not one election in Georgia.

  3. What Mohammad said.

    TPTB are acting as though less than 2 months ago, using the same mail in voting and voting machines, the greatest election fraud in our history was no big deal.

    It’s a nightmare I can’t wake up from.


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