Why would he have tested if he is symptom free?
Also, he looks ridiculous.
Why would he have tested if he is symptom free?
Also, he looks ridiculous.
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“Do these rose colored glasses make my nose look big?”
The more you get jabbed, the worse it might get. Wake up, Geraldo.
At least he has his shirt on.
Hey, guess what?
0 vaccinations
0 boosters
1st COVID, all most 2 years ago.
0 symptoms
GERALDO, in his element. Why does anybody take this brain dead moron seriously?
Nice pube micrografts, Jerry Rivers.
– Kurt Vonnegut
Is this just his way of trying to stay relevant??
He should be more afraid of monkeypox than covid.
“You’re so vain”
What sux about zero symptoms? I don’t understand anything anymore.
This has become nothing more than the latest iteration of “MeToo”.
chorro-ldo rivera
Yes – an extreme case of “Hey! Look at me! I may be an idiot, but I’m a celebrity!”
Pathetic – afraid he’ll cease to exist if he doesn’t tweet – a fragile psyche.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Testing and masks are a psy-op to keep the masses afraid. Stop testing and mask mandates and it all goes away.
Hey Jerry Rivers, if you stick “Heart Attack” in before “Sucks”, it’ll make a great epitaph.
Why would you test for something when you have no symptoms of the illness? And if you have ZERO symptoms meaning you are 100% normal than why does that suck?! These people have become addicted this this insanity.
Four words, Al Capone’s hidden vault. Jerry Rivers was a fake then and an even bigger fake now. He has zero credibility.
So Gerry Rivers is homeless now? Who knew?
This is all you need to know about the creep….
Rivera is a Republican,[73] and considered running as a Republican in the 2013 United States Senate special election in New Jersey (to fill the Senate seat left vacant by the death of Frank Lautenberg).[74] He eventually decided not to stand for election.
A friend of Donald Trump, Rivera has nevertheless confirmed that he did not vote for the Republican candidate in the 2016 election because of “spousal influence”.[75] He had also previously said he would not vote for Trump because of comments made by the latter regarding Mexicans.[76]
Rivera considered running in the 2022 United States Senate election in Ohio after incumbent Senator Rob Portman announced he would not seek re-election for his seat in the Senate.[77] He eventually decided not to.[78]
Rivera has said he is Pro-choice, pro Gay Marriage, and pro Immigration reform.[79]
All while wearing rose-colored glasses.
Proving my point.
I’ve come to the conclusion that those glasses when worn just once mess up your view of the world for years.
He’s got some kinda drug induced “bloat” going on with his face.
Wonder if any Hispanic ever felt a surge of pride when they heard that Jerry Rivers changed his name to “Geraldo”
Oh bless you .. “Geraldo” .. for validating our pathetic, fragile Hispanic selves!!
Goldenfoxx ~ He’s probably still hurting that DJT chose Leeza Gibbons over him for his “Celebrity Apprentice” show .
More flying chair, please.
He looks like a 70’s era gay pornstar in that picture. Just sayin…… I wonder if his pubes are sporting that same moustache?
had it in 2003
no vaccines
no masks
no tests
no symptoms
this sucks? why?
i’m fine, i will continue to be fine, i give no shits about this overrated “public health emergency” and never will…
it’s the TYRANNY, stupid…..