Girl Slips Obama a Note – IOTW Report

Girl Slips Obama a Note

What’s it say???

Highest thumbed comment wins THIS.

Contest ends at Midnight tonight ET.


142 Comments on Girl Slips Obama a Note

  1. Nice security. This may be fake. I mean it could be Anthrax
    I want to know what The Moose says when she sees this.
    “”OH!!!!! HELL NO!!!!”””

  2. Basmatti Rice
    Rainier Cherries

    Be a dear and insist the grocer get the zucchini from the warehouse. It’s where they keep the good ones.

    And don’t forget the drycleaning.

  3. She handed him a note from God that says, Dear Barry quit trying to pretend that you’re God because I AM and you are not. Please don’t disregard this warning and have a nice day. Signed, your loving saviour who died even for the likes of you. PS the flies are just the beginning.

  4. Assuming this is real and not Photoshop, no protection detail allows a random crowd member to just reach out and touch The Person’s person. If real. Of course, his Secret Service could all be drunk or stoned.

    Possibly she’s a known staffer and “cleared”, but even that would be incredibly sloppy. Unless yes, she’s passing a phone# for her gay hunky roommate.

  5. I warned you about leaving Joe Biden unattended at my shop.
    He is now full of sugar and caffeine and the owner of a squirrel.
    Good luck with that.

  6. Ok, just saw this on bigger screen. I call Photoshop.
    The crowd is looking about 30 degrees to the right of the spot where Obama has been inserted.
    None of them are actually looking AT him.
    Not that I would blame them.

  7. it’s real:

    July 8, 2014
    “A woman slips a note into the President’s front shirt pocket as he greeted pedestrians during an impromptu walk in downtown Denver, Colorado.”
    (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

  8. This photo is a year old? MJA? If so it must have been a “cleared’ crowd. So here is my winning entry:

    Dear Barack. I am Joy Blojobe, President of WMWOA, White Moonstruck Women of America. We need to talk. Tel. 666 1313.

  9. You blithering idiot! Davy Crockett wore a COON skin cap, NOT BEAVER. Didn’t they teach you anything about America pop culture in your Indonesian Muslim school?

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