Glenn Beck Pandered to Black Lives Matter Just Prior to Milwaukee Riot – IOTW Report

Glenn Beck Pandered to Black Lives Matter Just Prior to Milwaukee Riot

Breitbart: In an ill-timed interview with National Public Radio, leading NeverTrump pundit Glenn Beck told the NPR host that he can “relate to” Black Lives Matter organizers and that he has changed his position on the group’s slogan. Using a strange analogy about pie, Beck lectured people on the right that they “aren’t really listening” to Black Lives Matter in a segment that aired just before black rioters in Milwaukee targeted white people, attacking police and setting fires.

Beck told NPR:

The best way to explain it is: if we’re all sitting around at a table having dinner and everybody gets pie except for you and you say “my pie matters, I don’t have pie” and everybody at the table looks at you and says “I know. All pie matters,” it shows that the people at the table aren’t really listening.

I don’t agree with the Black Lives Matter organizers—they are stated as anti-capitalists and it’s much more than just the police to them, it’s about changing society entirely—but I can relate to them and understand them on many different fronts and we need to start listening to each other and getting out of our own little labeled bubbles.

Beck’s new position is a 180 degree turn from what he himself said in 2014 on his radio show. At that time, Beck said:

What do you say we stop listening to the clerics like Al Sharpton? The people who are just using their religion for their own power. What do you say we stop listening to the Communist, the anarchist or anyone else that has an agenda other than saying all life matters. Why does black life only matter? Why does all life or twenty something or children’s lives or American lives? When you say all life matters and we tried to fix that?


33 Comments on Glenn Beck Pandered to Black Lives Matter Just Prior to Milwaukee Riot

  1. You mean Erick Erickson’s good buddy, Glenn Beck? No way.

    And Gary Johnson, how’s your endorsement of BLM working out for you? Between that and your running mate’s call for gun control, you might be in for a rough ride.

    Now tell me again who’s the most canservative candidate?

  2. Replace pie with life

    The best way to explain it is: if we’re all sitting around at a table having dinner and everybody gets pie except for you and you say “my life matters, I don’t have a life”

    Solution = Get a life.

  3. Nobody gave me a piece of pie? Fine, I go out, get a job and earn money to get my own pie and eat the entire motherfucker myself.

    One of the stupidest analogies I have ever heard.

  4. Do you know The Blaze gets the second highest clink count? How is that possible? Are there really that many people that give credit to Bat Shit Crazy Beck? His talk show is third behind Rush & Hannity? What in the hell?

    He rubbed his face in Cheetos. He passed out soccer balls & tidy bears to incoming illegals with Cruz.
    God brought about the death of Scalia so America would “wake up” and vote for Cruz. He bought a Maybach and fired 40 people.

  5. Listening, just not hearing anything except give me, give me. Where do they feel shortchanged that they did not bring on themselves and therefore will need to correct themselves.

  6. Beck, the Clown Prince of Clowns.

    Sue, a co-worker several years ago who has since died of cancer, was a BIG fan of Beck back at his TV peak, when he seemed ready to eclipse Rush and everyone else on the Right. I found him amusing at times (the Arlen Specter impressions still crack me up) but never trusted him at all. Sue did, so we would round and round often.

    Anyway, Beck was taking heat for something really stupid he’d just (can’t recall what) and Sue was irked and perturbed by it. I said to her it’s because Beck’s a fraud and one of these days he’s going to implode spectacularly. Sue didn’t live to see it but it’s happening.

  7. I’m on record from DAY ONE. You can ask Hippie Critic. We both agreed that there was something a bit off about the guy.

    But that isn’t enough to start blogging nastily about him. I’d be perceived as the maniac at that point.
    I kept an open mind.
    Then a friend told me about how he was ripped off by Beck, content stolen from his blog with no attribution. I kept an open mind.
    Then 2 more guys that I didn’t know made the accusation.
    Then a prominent Islamic scholar, probably this country’s eminent scholar, told about how Beck would invite him to be on the show to talk about the coming caliphate.
    Beck would ask him to go over what he was going to talk about so he could better understand the material so he wouldn’t look lost.
    At the final hour, Beck would do the show without the guest, yet all the material would end up on his chalkboard as his own.

    To this day Beck is credited by people as being the guy who warned about the caliphate.

    Beck wouldn’t know how to spell caliphate if it wasn’t for the work of the scholar.
    Beck is a worm and a thief.

    Then came the martyrdom, that Beck was becoming ill because of all the hard work and sacrifice he was performing for the benefit of his audience.

    Then came the flashes of progressivism as his mask slipped. These flashes came as he accused Newt Gingrich of being a progressive, all to prop up fellow Mormon Mitt “Totally not a progressive” Romney.

    Then came the accusation that the TEA party was racist because if they endorsed Gingrich over Obama (who, in his view, and he proved it on a chalkboard, were one in the same) than you eschewed Obama because of his skin color.

    That was it. I was done. Beck is total excrement.
    I won’t even argue the point any longer.
    Anyone who defends Beck is either naive or a lost fan boi, and I have no use for them either.
    If this latest crapola, a dove and a fig leaf and a pouty lower lip for BLM, isn’t enough to show you that this guy is an entertainer playing a part in order to bilk the gullible rubes out of money, then shame on you.

    His religious act, where he is over-saved to the point of tears, is nauseating to me.

    His over annunciation and slow cadence when he says certain buzzwords, like constitution and founding fathers and liberty, etc, is a tell.
    It’s an unconscious over-emphasis to cover that these things really do not matter that much to him. It matters more that you think it matters to him so he can enrich himself.

    I hate the guy like garbage truck juice, and I’m perplexed at how simple it was for him to fool everyone.

  8. One of the people Beck stole videos from reads (sometimes comments) this blog. If they want to say who they are, they can.

    As for Beck- I quit watching him during his 1st year at FOX when he kept doing the carrot dangling, “Tomorrow, I will blow the lid off…” blah blah blah and then lid wouldn’t even rattle because the pot never had anything in it. lol. Then I found out how he was getting info without crediting the people who gave it to him (One of those people is someone I know) and I refused to defend Beck for the simplest thing after that. Fuck it. What a waste of time.

  9. I stopped watching and listening to Beck ages ago. His ego is out of control. His stealing other people’s work. His constantly saying we need to love one another and conquer fear and hate with love and then he would do and say such hateful things. Such a hypocrite. His messiah complex.
    Money and fame are his gods.
    I wonder about his wife and kids.

  10. If we keep needling him, he’s going to do a throne-sniffer’s interview with Hillary. They’ve probably already discussed it. It’s somewhere among the yoga schedules and the wedding plans.

  11. That’s a stupid analogy. The person in Beck’s scenario who didn’t receive a slice of pie would have been kicked out of the house long before dessert for having bad manners and insulting the host.

  12. Who was the woman years ago that was conservative but veered hard left? Huffington?

    If he’s losing viewers on the Right, Beck won’t give up the spotlight easily. Someday he’ll pull a Huffington. I don’t read him as a “clean break” kind of guy, though…he’ll find some byzantine, arcane way to talk out both sides of his mouth, giving lip service to the Constitution, etc, while justifying coming out the leftist closet. He’ll look even more desperate, sweaty and incoherent than he already does, but he’ll still have a small, devoted cult.

    Just a guess.

  13. A long time ago I used to listen to beck on the car radio. He wasn’t as crazy then but still made you wonder. There was a big trial going on at the time, Scott Peterson, and he seemed to make reasonable comments at the time. Then one day out of the blue he starts talking about Jennifer Love Hewitts tits! How much he liked her big breasts! No kidding!

  14. In the future, Beck will give Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner a run for his/her money as the next celeb tranny.
    Beck is a hypocrite and a narcissist looking for a way to stay in the spotlight.
    Supporting BLM is Beck’s desperate attempt at pandering to the left.

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