Green Berets Targeted After Anonymous Email Exposed Lowered Standards – IOTW Report

Green Berets Targeted After Anonymous Email Exposed Lowered Standards


Two Army Green Berets are fighting for their military careers after being associated with an anonymous email that accused their commanders of lowering standards to enable more soldiers — particularly female — to graduate from its prestigious Q-course.

The anonymous email, signed, “A concerned Green Beret,” accused the leaders of the school of “moral cowardice” for lowering the standards, and weakening instructors’ ability to discipline students as they look to get further through the pipeline.

“[The school] has devolved into a cesspool of toxic, exploitive, biased and self-serving senior officers who are bolstered by submissive, sycophantic, and just-as-culpable enlisted leaders,” the email said. “They have doggedly succeeded in two things; furthering their careers, and ensuring that Special Forces [are] more prolific but dangerously less capable than ever before.”

One of the specific complaints was that the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC), commonly referred to as “Q-course,” was restructured so that there were “no physical barriers to earning the coveted Green Beret.”

The email, which was blasted out to the entire U.S. Army Green Beret force in November 2017, became known as the “letter heard around the world.” It was then published by a news site started by former special operations forces, and it generated stories from the Associated Press, NPR, and other major news outlets.  more here

17 Comments on Green Berets Targeted After Anonymous Email Exposed Lowered Standards

  1. “This guy Sonntag, who’s basically the one who’s trying to screw us over — he’s trying to make his career about putting a female through the course,”

    And there it is. They are doing the same thing to the Marine Corps.

    You get a green beret…you get a green beret! Girl power!

  2. I’ve been on approximately 8 military bases over the last 10 years, and I am shocked by how out of shape our military personnel are. It started with POC who had de facto different weight standards, which have now been extended to all service members. Go on youtube and watch videos of Air Force personnel working on aircraft; bunch of fat slobs. I was watching one video of the B2 bomber in action, and the pilot was wearing glasses! When did that start?? I just pray we don’t have a war.

  3. “My military background taught me that a soldier obeys orders, he doesn’t criticize then.”

    Are you condoning or applauding the death of military standards, sacrificed at the alter of political correctness and intersectionality? Why have any standards at all if they can be manipulated for the greater good of equality of the sexes?

    I’ve seen this type of nonsense my whole life; in the military where women were given special treatment (hot meals and showers, when the males had to stay in the field and do without), and in the police academy where women who could not shoot and could not drive were miraculously passed through with no witnesses as to how they qualified.

    The universal standard of ,”Well, if a woman can physically do the job then of course she should be allowed to do it” means nothing if those standards are watered down or eliminated altogether. The military is that one fighting force that allows us to NOT be a conquered people, to think that military cohesion/readiness or standards should be altered in any way to further some dopey social experiment, this should infuriate all Americans.

  4. For years, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture or a video of a fat, out-of-shape ISIS terrorist.

    I am all for women in the military, as far up to the front lines as they can crawl — without changing standards one iota. ….Lady in Red

    PS: I wonder what the standards are for female Kurdish fighters. Perhaps, we could copy that?

  5. If you want to make something worthless, make it easy & free.

    College, citizenship, socialized healthcare….etc.

    Add the Green Beret to that list. Soon to follow: The SEAL Trident; then Naval Aviator wings. (if they haven’t been cheapened already).

    We see the damage people can cause through socialist practices yet we allow people like the fake Mexican Beto and Occasional-Cortex to continue to breathe.

    Meh, someone else will handle it. Right?

  6. “My military background taught me that a soldier obeys orders, he doesn’t criticize then.”

    Didn’t wash at Nuremberg.

    “Standards” aren’t standards if you can lower them.
    “Ceilings” aren’t ceilings if you can raise them.
    Let’s call them Euphemistic Standards, instead.

    It will, ultimately, lead to the deaths of good men (and women) but that will be long after those who profit from the scam are retired or dead.
    Anyone remember the female Navy aviator who died because she wasn’t properly trained in Carrier take-offs and landings? Plane cost a bunch of money, too (about 2500 years of taxes for a family of four).

    But, who gives a shit? So long as it’s all PC …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Tony R January 16, 2019 at 11:54 am

    > I just pray we don’t have a war.

    Since the only “war” (as opposed to home invasions – where you kill people and take their stuff) America’s going to get into are them and us, why pray for fewer fat, non-binaries trying to kill me and mine?

  8. @Mithrandir January 16, 2019 at 4:52 pm

    > Whistle blowers are doing a service to our national defense ability.
    > They should be given medals of freedom.

    They should be given “Get Out of Camp Free” cards.

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