Guinness goes vegan – IOTW Report

Guinness goes vegan

guinness dark

FOX- Starting in 2016, the Irish beer will be fully vegan friendly for the first time since they started brewing beer 256 years ago, reports The Independent.

Guinness, like many other brewers, use isinglass, a by-product of the fishing industry that’s used to clarify the beer and make yeast settle faster. While most of the agent is filtered out during the brewing process, there are still traces of fish bladders in the finished product.  Vegan customers have long beenpetitioning the brand to discontinue its use of isinglass. MORE

43 Comments on Guinness goes vegan

  1. If it ain’t broke, fix it anyway, eh?
    Y’all notice how food gets blander and blander by the year?
    This is why. Busybodies, drama queens, control freaks and money grubbing “researchers.”
    They’re going to turn Guinness into “Margarine” beer in the near future.

  2. To what end? The report says it will not change the taste. Will this move reduce the amount of fish harvested? Likely not. This is just to appease a small minority of habitual whiners.

    I’ll stick with Single Malt, thank you.

  3. Questions: Before the vegans even knew what isinglass was, did they have a problem with Guinness? Were the vegans sick or dying from this additive about which they knew nothing?

    Think about it. You have ZERO idea what’s in it, you just like it. So you consume it. Then some putz tells you it has fish bladders in it (in such microscopic amounts, but that isn’t said) so you have to demand that your favorite food, beer, whatever, is required to change to suit you.

    But Guinness is in the business of sales. So they have to keep ALL potential buyers happy. If they can filter their product without using isinglass and it retains the taste everyone likes, it’s a win-win for them.

  4. haven’t had a guinnass since they withdrew their sponsorship in the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade because they got their panties in a wad over not letting the homo’s enter a rainbow float

  5. You have to be kidding me.
    If vegans were that serious about being animal free, why are they ok with killing the millions of yeast organisms to brew the beer in the first place.
    Oh – and all the animals and insects that die during the automated harvest of the crops that are used in the beer.
    They should never bathe again because that kills all the bagillions of microorganisms that live on your skin.
    Vegans should just die…..
    I served a pie to my son’s vegan girlfriend. I didn’t tell her I used lard to make the crust. Hehehehehehe!

  6. If you’ve ever been to Ireland, the first thing you find out about Guinness is that they Pastuerize it for export. So real Guinness is like this crazy living thing, reddish and full of yeast and microbes and life. Truly, liquid bread.

    And if you have, say, 15-20 in a sitting, you deliver the most prodigious, crystal clear piss you’ve ever seen.

    God’s perfect creation. It figured that the Progs would fuck it up.

  7. It goes deeper.

    The increasing shaming of the consumption of animal products, will tie in with the beginning of mans’ fall. Animals had to be killed to feed and clothe.

    They were used to atone for mans’ sin until Jesus.

    The lack of bloodshed of animals will make humans forget the necessity of animals to feed and clothe since the fall.

    Doorhandles blooded.

  8. @ bayouwulf

    My guess is their goal wasn’t to really make the vegans happy, that probably came about as a cost cutting measure. You know, the price of fish bladders these days!

    DH and I have deduced that all touted so called the taste “improvements” in various foods in the past 4 decades, were nothing more than cost cutting measures for production.

  9. Moaon Lobe. I feel the same way. I no longer desire a Guinness.
    Yonkers. I haven’t been to Rory’s since Guinness boycotted the Saint Patrick’s Day parade. I think that most major companies have been taken over by Progs and queers, including Guinness.
    I’d say that 40 per cent of major company board members are queer and progs. This 3 percent number is bullshit. Just listen to the news. Boys with little dicks want to shower with the girls and the Federal Gov. has approved it. On and On, more shit every day. My niece just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday.
    I feel so sorry for that child, I could cry.
    It will take more than a Trump, a Cruz, or a Carson to straighten this mess out. They need God’s help but He has been banned.

  10. Congratulations on your great-uncledom. Have a brew other than Guinness in celebration.

    Actually I think I’ve found a silver lining in this. Most of the vegans I know are such uptight, stick-up-their-bum assholes that a few pints might have the magical effect of making them tolerable company.

  11. Isinglass? Tastes more like assinglass! I tried to drink Guinness one time in my EARLY 20s, when I was working/ hanging out at “He’s Not Here” in Chapel Hill. Back when I thought I had to prove I was a badass anytime an opportunity arose…
    It’s hard to maintain the “badass” image when you’re gagging and wretching like you’re in the middle of a “Fear Factor” challenge! That shit is NASTY!

  12. This has got FAIL written all over it … more pandering tripe dreamed up by MBAs trying to sell an agenda over a product!
    There’s plenty of good beers out there without Guinness even being in the running!

  13. I frequent an Irish pub, owned by an Irishman from county Cork, you can no longer get a Guinness in his pub, after the St. Pat’s parade fiasco, he quit selling it.
    @sTevO, yep, way more fish in the sea now. Pun intended.

  14. to hell with the Vee-Juns. Guiness just guaranteed that I will never again drink another can or glass of their swill.

    Same for Abita – a recent visit to their brewery for a tour was a shocker. They’ve gone Fascist. First, the demand $5 entry fee and since they refuse to take cash, they scan your credit card AND your drivers license. Then all you get is four 3oz shot glasses of not very good beer. The broad at the entrance kept trying to get me to fork over my shit but I told her no thank you, I’m not going to allow my persoanl information to go into your fascist database and will never drink another of your Politically-Correct beers.

    We left and went to the Old Rail Brewpub in Mandeville where they make REAL beer right before your eyes and happily accept American CASH.

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