H.R. McMaster Promised Susan Rice She Could Keep Security Clearance in Secret Letter – IOTW Report

H.R. McMaster Promised Susan Rice She Could Keep Security Clearance in Secret Letter

Gee. What a nice guy….So when’s he leaving?


Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s National Security adviser H.R. McMaster allowed former President Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice to maintain her security clearance to access classified information — despite reservations Trump had about her motives.

McMaster sent an official letter to Rice informing her that she would maintain unfettered access to classified information, according to a report from Circa’s Sara Carter.

The president was not aware of his actions, according to two senior White House officials and an intelligence official.

SNIP: Look at him. An endless forehead and a mouth like a prison riot. I’m not a fan. Can ya tell?



Here’s another one of his deeds:

Report: H.R. McMaster Fired National Security Council Official for Penning Memo on Globalists.

A top official on the National Security Council was fired last month by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster reportedly after he argued in a memo that President Trump’s administration is under sustained attack from globalists and Islamists.

Rich Higgins, a former Pentagon official who served in the NSC’s strategic-planning office as a director for strategic planning was fired on July 21, The Atlantic first reported.

The memo, written in late May, described threats to the administration by globalists, bankers, the “deep state,” and Islamists.

“Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed,” it said.

Higgins was called into the White House counsel’s office two weeks ago and asked about the memo. Later that week, he was told by McMaster’s deputy that he was losing his job.

The memo compared what the Trump administration was facing to a Maoist insurgency.

“In Maoist insurgencies, the formation of a counter-state is essential to seizing state power,” the memo said. “Functioning as a hostile complete state acting within an existing state, it has an alternate infrastructure. Political warfare operates as one of the activities of the ‘counter-state.’”

“Because the left is aligned with Islamist organizations at local, national, and international levels, recognition should be given to the fact that they seamlessly interoperate through coordinated synchronized interactive narratives … These attack narratives are pervasive, full spectrum, and institutionalized at all levels. They operate in social media, television, the 24-hour news cycle in all media and are entrenched at the upper levels of the bureaucracies,” it said.

Sources told The Atlantic that Higgins had also pushed to declassify documents having to do with radical Islam and Iran, including Presidential Study Directive 11, produced by the Obama administration before the Arab Spring outlining unrest throughout the Middle East.  more

60 Comments on H.R. McMaster Promised Susan Rice She Could Keep Security Clearance in Secret Letter

  1. Is there anyone in Gov supporting the President?
    Is there any Deep Staters on the Right side of things?
    Will there be pushback to this crap!?!
    I’m feeling disheartened.

  2. Let’s hope so MJA. By all appearances, this guy appears to be a dhimmi practicing taqiyya from where I sit. He turns a blind eye toward all things islamic including terrorists and terrorism. Now he is cleansing the NSC of anyone that understands that islam is a cancer (and is loyal to Trump) and leaving in place all the obama acolytes that want increased numbers of moslems brought into the US.

    He needs to be fired immediately and have his security clearance revoked right before Susan Rice’s. Replace him with someone that understands that islam is at war with western civilization whether we admit it or not. I doubt there is any greater threat to America’s NATIONAL SECURITY than islam and its rabid practitioners. The head of the NSC has to recognize this fact and be willing to do something about it.

  3. I’m sick and tired of speculating why some obvious enemy of the administration is still in a position of power. And I’m also sick and tired of speculating on way someone that we thought was on the team doesn’t seem to be getting jack shit done. We have a fucking war on our hands and I don’t see any warriors!

  4. This clown has jettisoned 3 solidly conservative Trump loyalists in recent memory. Time to kick his ass to the curb! He’s completely opposite from the type of person I remember him being credited as before his selection. What a frickin’ mistake!!! :^#

  5. How do transcripts of private President Trump phone calls with world leaders wind up on the net within hours?

    Seven Days in May

    Time to hang the traitors. Time to furlough non-DOD IC personnel until someone sings.


  6. I want to see McMaster and all his NSA cronies escorted to the door before dinner tomorrow.
    How long does it take to weed the garden ?
    When weeding the rule of thumb is: when in doubt, pull it out.

  7. I know Trump is getting a bunch of shit done on the legislative side that he can with minimal help from congress, but damn. It’s August already. Time to fire the dhimmi’s and dhummasses.

  8. Under the Obama administration H.R. McMaster was pushed up the ladder and supported and recommended for General status and promoted by Petraeus, Army Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and John McCain.

    A west point ring knocker promoted by Obama several times.
    Dump his political ass.

  9. Trumps is not dumb, what if he knew who the deep staters were before he took office and put some of them in place so they would help in the hanging of the whole lot of them. They are showing their hand out in the open now ,a whole lot of them. Do not forget that Flynn knows all of the players and was with Trumps a long time. Time will tell. McMaster will be gone soon, has to go.

  10. I had to turn the tv off this morning for several hours. I couldn’t take this Mueller stuff any longer. And now this McMaster guy is running around loose in the WH like he’s the one in charge. This Russia thing seems to have gotten into Trump’s brain and seems to be paralyzing him. He said he knew how to win. I want America to win. I want Trump to win. I am disgusted with the Republicans. I know Trump is trying, but he’s too slow getting his people in and purging the obammy plants. God be with us.

  11. Geoff C, no disrespect intended, but that is exactly the type of speculation that I can’t stand anymore! Enough people have shown their hand that it is time to get something done. If Trump waits any longer he will a darker cloud over him because of Mueller than he has now. It’s time to fire some shots, and I don’t mean a shot over the bow, it’s time to show some people the door!

  12. another viewpoint of this action from conservative tree house
    McMaster is NOT giving Rice ongoing access to new intelligence information, or current classified intelligence information. His letter was simply authorizing her to reference and have access to the historic intel work product she previously, personally and specifically was involved in.


    read the article to find out why the bruhaha

  13. Before I am stampeded by “sources” on McMaster, I have been reading some other views on this — too divergent to summarize. One question to ask — at least I’m asking myself — is why do the stories about him have a funny redolence of a coordinated attack across disparate (conservative and #NT) websites? I’m not so sure. I’m holding judgement until someone with a real name and a real position comes forward to go on the record. You can be sure that POTUS knows all about this stuff. He does more intelligence gathering by 7:00 a.m. each day than anyone we know.

    In the meantime, you might want to read CTH’s musings about all this. Sundance offers up a very different view that might be worth considering.

  14. @Tuesday Me too. I was listening to Mark Levin and it was a good show but it made me mad, sad and depressed. I turned it off.

    Now, I’m mopey on my couch in 90+ degree heat in the smokey Seattle foothills wondering what the Eff is happening to my country.

  15. Illustr8r

    I’ll trade your 90 degrees for our 105. This sucks.

    As far as what the Eff I think what bothers me most here lately is our RINO lawmakers passing veto proof legislation on Russia and now they’re trying to pass a bill the says Trump can’t fire Mueller. Which I don’t think he can anyway directly. Who’s side are these people on?

  16. It’s so hottttt!! It was 93 degrees (probably more like 95) in the city, Illust*r. And we can’t even see the Cascade foothills because of the B.C. smoke. Can’t imagine what it must be like for our poor neighbors to the north.

  17. I am told the smoke is from fires in Canada. We should be thankful because it’s driving the temps down from a high of 106 by blocking the sun, Illusr8tr. 🙂 Cold showers for those without a/c.

  18. BB — “Who’s side are these people on?” Hard as it is to believe, we all know these guys are holding a shitload of markers and if Trump pulls the rug out, Harry Reid’s “accident” is going to look like a minor incident compared to some others. We have to understand their motivation.

    (Do you also have 40 percent humidity? It’s supposed to cool down to a mere 75 by midnight.)

  19. Yeah, the fires in British Columbia are immense and I don’t know what percentage are contained now. The smoke is well down into the Willamette Valley in OR and I guess it’s even worse east of the Cascades. You can see the smoke streaming through the air in the street lights at night. I’m surprised you don’t have some of it down your way, BB.

  20. AA, we do, but I think it’s coming up from the south. There’s a huge fire in Montana to. Thick Timber. The just lost a Hot Shot crew member on that fire. A tree fell on him.
    Yesterday was 107 and the air was pretty smokey.

  21. BB — Yeah, big fire season all around us. I didn’t know this, but in 1958 (or around there) B.C. lost 2.8 million acres in a single conflagration. So sorry to hear about the Hot Shot. That’s horrible. We have a young friend, a city fire fighter now, but started out working for the Forest Service fire crew for several summers. He loved it.

  22. regarding TCT’s link…
    why would anyone get in the weeds regarding what sort of clearance Rice should have during testimony?
    Who cares?
    That’s not the burning issue. The burning issue is McMASTER IS A DANGER TO THIS COUNTRY.
    He gargles Muslim scrote.
    Get him out of there.

  23. Is that a real official letter? I’m not sure. I’m sorry to think this, but if President Trump is allowing this to happen, then the media is right, his White House is in chaos.
    I follow @ThomasWictor on Twitter and he has a very different vision of all this. He posts these long threads, but they’re worth a reading.

  24. BFH — My initial reaction to all this is that it could be a manufactured crisis by the oppo to provoke the admin to do something stupid and keep fueling their thin narrative that Trump is creating a military gov’t. If there’s anything to any of this stuff, Trump will do something about it and we know Kelly will. There was a rumor (somewhere) that Trump was going to ship McMasters off to Afghanistan to replace the guy who (they said) isn’t getting the job done there (or quickly enough). Who knows?

    The other piece might be that Trump needed someone to take Flynn’s place just because he needed an experienced head — even if it was oppo — until he has a loyal replacement. Who knows?

  25. @Abigail Markers,eh? DJT is playing poker? Lordy, I hope so. Right now, it just looks like a streak of bad luck and a perpetually losing hand.

    I saw one forecast that said high 80’s and 90’s thru Aug 12. Nooooooo!

  26. @Illustr8r — Uh huh. I’m sick of looking at the weather app on my phone.

    By “markers” I meant that there are so many people in D.C. who are bought and paid for already. They’ve probably already spent the money “donated” to them by K streeters who are going to want to either collect on personal legislation or get a refund. If Trump makes good on his promise to eliminate all special interests (which he did again tonight in WV, with emphasis), there are going to be a lot of people who will be running scared, not taking the usual phone calls, not taking the usual meetings and running to catch the subway out of the OEOB and capitol buildings each night while they are glancing back over their shoulders. If we thought the Clintons were vicious….

  27. …in other words, and not to put too fine a point on it, they need to “kill” Trump’s presidency before some bodies start floating down the Potomac for inexplicable reasons. We talk endlessly about corruption, but no one talks about the wages of it or just how serious people who expecting favors are about collecting one way or another.

    It would be incredibly helpful if we had a database of every Congressman and woman, every staffer, every policy maker/advisor and where their money comes from.

  28. @joe — Oh man. That’s going to be tough. We just planted a whole new landscape last fall/this spring and everything needs water, water and more water. My Frost Proof gardenias are amazing, though! They are growing and blooming to beat the band, and the fragance? Heavenly.

  29. As despicable as it is to be releasing the transcripts of confidential, presidential conversations, if you read what was released it paints a picture of President Trump being more concerned with his image than being concerned with the reasons we all voted for him. Granted we don’t have the context in which the statements were made, but I would rather have seen him defending the USA first and foremost, instead of thinking he needed to defend his image. There is a bunch of shit going on that I don’t like!

  30. Joe6pak. I understand. But I get the feeling he was trying to make Mexico’s prez feel like he was important enough to help Trump out. Like ‘aww come onnnn buddy!” lol. But anyway, we see the beginnings of a wall in San Diego and the deportations, and the prison time for criminal illegals, got illegals in the sanctuary cities giving up welfare., etc.

    Anyway, Trump might drive up on the sidewalk now and then, but he’ll get to the destination, eventually. 😀

  31. joe6pak,

    I feel like I know the man. Tough negotiator. Negotiated shit you and I would have no idea where to start and no desire to tackle. Neither one of us would say something that stupid. FAKE NEWS.

  32. Since McMaster was part of Obama Administration, he should never be trusted. Even if he draws out leakers and holdovers, it’s not worth the damage he’s doing to the Trump Administration.
    Too many traitors running amuck in the White House. President Trump needs to realize he’s not running a corporation, he is an American president who will get chewed up in the progressive political machine if he doesn’t get focused on the battle.

  33. “.it was Senator John McCain who recommended McMaster for the position.”

    “But the White House officials told Circa that under the current congressional investigation, and given President Trump’s ongoing concern that members of his team were unmasked, Rice’s clearance should have been limited to congressional testimony only or revoked until the end of the investigation.”

    “H.R. McMaster has thrown the West Wing into chaos, according to more than half a dozen Trump administration insiders who told the Washington Free Beacon that McMaster has been targeting long-time Trump loyalists who were clashing with career government staffers and holdovers from the Obama administration.”

    That alone is enough, but there are many more just as troubling reasons listed in the AT article why HRM should be fired asap.

    http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/08/time_for_trump_to_get_rid_of_mcmaster.html .

  34. So, it turns out he’s part of the swamp and needs to be rooted out. I hope Trump doesn’t dilly dally about getting rid of him. This guy could cause a lot of trouble.

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