Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found – IOTW Report

Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found

Igor’s Newsletter:
Remember how we were told that “the vaccine stays in the arm” and that “harmless spike protein is only produced for a couple of days.” They said they were sure of that, despite no data to confirm their statements.

Well, sadly, it turns out that they lied to us. The data is now in, and it proves such claims wrong!

clever scientific study by Brogna et al., just published, detected the presence of spike protein in COVID-vaccinated people six MONTHS after vaccination – and excluded the possibility of cross-contamination of experimental data with wild-circulating COVID infections.

The study’s authors used a sensitive test, called mass-spectrometry to detect a specific amino-acid sequence that exists only in the vaccine-induced spike protein. more

h/t Uncle Al

12 Comments on Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found

  1. The “New” government approved Vaccine will be more effective now that the experiments are complete.

    We are from the Government and we are here to help…….the pharmaceutical industry and their investors.

  2. Deadly vaccines are safe and effective. Gender affirming care means chopping off your genitals. Reproductive health means killing babies. Combatting climate change means only the elite get to fly everywhere in private jets.

    I sensing a pattern here with progressive terms.

  3. I wonder if they know how long it takes before that population still producing spike proteins blood clot themselves to death?

    Also, I don’t want to share a space with anyone exhaling spike proteins with every breath, cough or sneeze. If anyone should be quarantined it’s these unfortunate souls.

  4. I want CONgress to explain to me, why we are not seeing “died suddenly’s” in their group.
    Feinstein, McConnell and Biden won’t count.
    Those bastards are taking forever to die.
    DC has become a F-ing age home with hospice care for the extreme fossils.


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