Hamas Watches as Israel Beats Up on Palestinian Islamic Jihad – IOTW Report

Hamas Watches as Israel Beats Up on Palestinian Islamic Jihad


After 48 hours of fighting, Israel appears to have the decisive upper hand in its fight with Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a terrorist group that had allegedly been planning imminent attacks on Israel when the war began on Friday.

Last Monday, Israel arrested a senior PIJ leader in the West Bank. As PIJ prepared to attack Israel’s Gaza border communities in retaliation, Israel launched airstrikes on Friday and killed PIJ leader Taysir al-Jabari. PIJ then fired hundreds of rockets at civilians in Israel. More

Hamas has stayed on the sidelines despite this playing out in their back yard, Gaza. Here

5 Comments on Hamas Watches as Israel Beats Up on Palestinian Islamic Jihad

  1. It wasn’t a war, it was a battle that is part of the ongoing war between Israel and the merchants of death, who are willing to sacrifice their own children to murder others.

  2. Hooray for Israel.

    We need that fighting spirit here in the US. We could start by protecting our southern border like Israel does.

    What the problem is with Liberal American Jews. Can’t they learn a lesson from Israel?

    It’s a rhetorical question.


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