Hand Recount In New Hampshire District Finds Undercounting of All Republicans By 300 Votes – IOTW Report

Hand Recount In New Hampshire District Finds Undercounting of All Republicans By 300 Votes

More irregularities?????

14 Comments on Hand Recount In New Hampshire District Finds Undercounting of All Republicans By 300 Votes

  1. Gateway Pundit manages to come up some solid discoveries. BUT .. it hurts my eyes. That website is just a graphic mess of fonts, bolding, italics, with ads and debris strewn all over the place. The writing style is chop suey as well, jumping around, burying the lede, throwing in irrelevant material.

  2. Bill Barr is not a useless anything: he was VERY useful, but to the enemies of our country. Barr SINGLE HANDEDLY destroyed our nation. Imagine if he did his job? Donald Trump would be president, and a corrupt, blatant traitor would not be in the White House, with a psycho ‘Ho in the wings.

  3. @ChiGuy re: cluttered web pages

    In chrome browser you can “enable reader mode”, which gets rid of all the clutter. It probably stops the sites from getting ad revenue, so I avoid doing it to sites that are doing good work – like gateway pundit.

    type “chrome://flags/” into your address bar, search for “Enable Reader Mode” and click on “enable”. After that, there will be an “enter reader mode ” option when you click on the 3-dot symbol @ upper right – doesn’t work on index pages and some others, but most articles will be cleared up

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