Has To Be Another Term Other Than “Fake News” For This Amy Schumer Story – IOTW Report

Has To Be Another Term Other Than “Fake News” For This Amy Schumer Story

Perusing the Daily Mail led to a nearly choking incident. I nearly choked on my own vomit.

Amy Schumer shows off killer curves in a fitted white and blue floral one-piece was the headline.

Killer Curves?

By the time they posted her in the black full body swimsuit I understood they must have meant to write Killer Whale curves.

For someone that made their name roasting people…

Do these people’s agents pay publications to write such absurd articles?

41 Comments on Has To Be Another Term Other Than “Fake News” For This Amy Schumer Story

  1. killer as in if she were on top of you her curves would smother you and you’d die. beware small animals and children,when that thing decides to plop into a seat. I’m absolutely sure if you put that picture up next to a train track it’ll make the train take a dirt road.

  2. Daily Mail does this all the time but usually with aging celebrities. They post awful pictures of people in their baggy old sweats and T shirts, Crocs, stringy hair and makeup-free. Then they describe the outfits as if they were writing for fashion week. I have begun to think it is a parody.

  3. Remember the animated movie Wall-e?
    The human characters are an illustration of what the whack jobs pushing this fat is fit malarkey seem to want.
    Good way to shorten life spans.

  4. I dunno, even vapid low-voltage thinking Hollywood libs deserve to go on vacation with their family and not have their privacy invaded or have unflattering photos of their beach attire in the tabloids.

    And given the sorry state of physical fitness for the average American, her body shape is probably dead center on the bell curve.

  5. “Amy showcased her flaw-free complexion for the afternoon, which included an adorable rosy flush…”
    It’s called Rosacea, and it’s not “adorable “.

    Oh, and I see in the article, her husband is a chef. A match made in Heaven.

  6. There was also gushing about her husband: “Chris rocked a woven sunhat over his cropped brunette hair. He rocked a blue denim button-up shirt and gray boardshorts.” That’s an awful lotta rockin’ going on so I had to check to see who wrote such vapid tripe. You can imagine my surprise when I saw that it took TWO idiots to write this stupid, cringy article. SHEESH.

  7. Pray for this pathetic misfit.

    Thousands of Orca, Sea Lions, Water Buffalo, Hippopotami, Elephants, Basket Balls, Puffer Fish, and large fetid rotting mountains of Whale Blubber admire her greatly and strive to emulate her – the pressure must be terrible.

    It’s tough being a sex-symbol … I know …

  8. Since when was it established that a photo be accompanied by commentary that is, according to what’s right there in the photo, pure hogwash?
    They describing it for blind people or somthin?

  9. Job 15:27  Because he covereth his face with his fatness, and maketh collops of fat on his flanks.
    Isa_34:7  And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.

  10. Wow! Well we’ve proven we won’t object to phony elections, phony climate skience, phony ‘women’, a phony pandemic and phony vaccines as well as phony money and a phony war with Russia (soon to clabber up into the real thing) among multifarious other phony crap our ‘betters’ are flinging about.

    This is a minor piece of the continuum of phony we live in today. Next thing you know some media jerkoff will exclaim on her natural beauty, her feminine charm. No one will call him/her/it out for objectifying this land dwelling manatee either.

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