Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigns after criticism for taking charter flights at taxpayer expense – IOTW Report

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigns after criticism for taking charter flights at taxpayer expense


Tom Price, President Donald Trump’s secretary of Health and Human Services, resigned from his post today after it was revealed that he had repeatedly chartered private planes for government travel.

“Secretary of Health and Human Services Thomas Price offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted,” read a statement from White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, adding that Trump intends to designate Don Wright, the current deputy assistant secretary for health and director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion as acting secretary.

The revelation about Price’s trips drew widespread criticism from Democrats and an investigation was launched last week by the HHS Office of Inspector General. Price took as many as 26 private flights and flew on military planes on trips to Europe and Africa at an estimated cost to taxpayers of over $1 million, according to Politico.


22 Comments on Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigns after criticism for taking charter flights at taxpayer expense

  1. None of these cabinet guys need to be traveling anywhere. They need to sit their asses down at their desks and get some work done for a change?
    And while I’ve venting, why the hell does a US Senator or congressman need to go anywhere overseas? Why do we keep paying for McCain to travel all over hell’s creation, like his trips to Syria? I had the quaint idea he represented Arizona.

  2. Why was the Head of HHS traveling to Africa and Europe during his first few months in office? Meanwhile Mueller has assembled 16 axe wielding, lefty lawyers with one goal in mind: President Trump’s scalp. We’re in a deep, deep, putrid swamp. Then we have the NFL degenerates and Dana Perino and her phuckin’ dog, and Juan Williams. Jesus Christ! when will this shit ever end?
    Lookin’ forward to Rush on Hannity tonight. Part 11.


    🔷 He knew better than that, just like Hillary.
    🔷 He took his family, so right there, the flight was not really business.
    🔷 You’re working for DONALD F***ING TRUMP! Are you not aware of this guy’s short fuse when it comes to stuff like this?

    Good lord man! Book-smart / street-stupid.

  4. I am totally confused by this issue.
    Did Jeh Johnson or Eric Holder or whichever cabinet secretary from the previous administration travel cattle class like the rest of us? Not bloody likely.

    I get that we want to reduce costs and we don’t like the caste system, special treatment and all that.
    But wasn’t Atty General Loretta Lynch on a private plane when she hooked up with bill Clinton?

    What are the rules here?

    Didn’t mooch and Barack often take separate aircraft to rendezvous at vacation retreats across the globe?

    One by one the left are picking our guys off for nitpicking bullshit and everybody seems to be falling for it.

    Somebody please explain it to me.

  5. Abigail Adams, like Tom Moe asked, WTH was Price gallivanting around the world while Congress was futzing around with Obamacare? It’s almost like someone flattered and distracted him from his job at the most crucial time. Inexcusable. And I don’t care who did what in Barky’s regime. Price knows we are held to a different standard than the Dems.

  6. President Jefferson:
    Are you boys telling me that you took a year, teams of oxen and horses, Indian guides, thousands in feed for your expedition just to get to the west coast and back?
    Y’all got some explaining to do.

    Lewis. You’re YOU’RE FIRED! Clark. You’re on notice.

    Sorry for my mostly inaccurate portrayal of American government travel policy.

    It’s friday night.

    Who’s buying the next round?

  7. I’m sorry, but going against most of the sentiment on this thread.

    Every trip Price booked (public or private) was pre-approved by the administration.

    Why does Price have to travel to around the world? It’s part of the job. Think CDC.

    Many Secretaries for multiple administrations have taken charter flights for years. I think this was a way to shove Price out because he didn’t get health insurance reform pushed through.

    A sad end for a good guy.

  8. Agree Jc lady.

    Business community is no smarter from my observation.
    Old school thinking still rules.

    I’ve got a friend who works for a telecom/cable biz that rhymes with bomb blast, I won’t say the name, who promote teleconferencing and new methods of connectivity and such.

    He’s forever on the road in meet ups and 1960s style biz techniques, much like govt does. They just can’t shake antiquated thinking.

    Everything I do is remote. These guys think that you have to be on site. Idiotic unless you have to place your hands on something.

  9. Look at the two fools who recommended him. He was planted to fail, neither one of those slimy swamp creatures wants to stop a tax increase. They get to stab President Trump in the back. This battle may be lost, but the war is still on.

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