Hedge Fund Billionaire Shows His Ass on Live TV – Blames Poor People for Stock Market Mess – IOTW Report

Hedge Fund Billionaire Shows His Ass on Live TV – Blames Poor People for Stock Market Mess

Gateway Pundit:
Billionaire hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman joined CNBC this morning and knew exactly who to blame. The poor people!

Leon Cooperman: “The reason the market is doing what it’s doing is people are sitting at home getting their checks from the government. This ‘fair share’ is a bullshit concept and is just a way to attack wealthy people.” WATCH

14 Comments on Hedge Fund Billionaire Shows His Ass on Live TV – Blames Poor People for Stock Market Mess

  1. Leon, you ignorant slut. When the wealthy people got that way by attacking the hoi polloi by destroying their jobs and stealing their pensions, mortgages, and savings, when your victims fight back it isn’t an attack. It’s a combination of defense, retribution, and collection of restitution.

    I hope it hurts reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad to lose some of your billions to those people you sneer at and who turned out to be smarter than you are.

  2. “Checks from the government”


    Sure, you fat fuck, all of our money comes from the government.
    We plebes bend over and ask for whatever we get.
    We don’t work and get our ASSES taxed off and then it is shipped to FOREIGN FUCKING COUNTRIES DURING A GOD DAMNED EPIDEMIC!

    If I could %@*&^% this son of a bitch !!!

  3. This is just a justified revenge of sorts for all of the kids of my generation, for the little boys and girls whose dad’s lost their job bc he worked for Lehman Bros and no bailout was given and then ageist banks wouldn’t hire a loan manager over 45.

    Fuck the hedge funds. I hope they are humiliated. I hope they experience one IOTA of the emotional pain that long term job loss causes a family, bc it strains marriages, ruins school plans, and causes grief beyond imagination.

  4. What’s wrong Leon? You and your pals like Willard Romney finally get the ass raping you’ve been giving everyone else all these years? Do us all a favor and go dive off a skyscraper asshole.

  5. The “kids” learned to play the system. All those wasted hours sitting in front of a TV playing fantasy themed games payed off. The millennials found a chink in the armor and made it pay. The hedge funders took it in the shorts. Boo Hoo. What sucks is that the market as a whole took a hit so in essence we all paid out a little. I’m no day trader but my portfolio lost some growth because of it. It’s a ripple effect. Today’s another day.

  6. What good has this old dude done for society to deserve the luxuries he enjoys?
    Probably nothing is substance.
    But here he is disparaging the millions of people that create a productive civil society for people like him to exploit.


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