HERE IT IS, the video I’ve been waiting for – The Compilation Of Trump’s Racism As Told By The Left – IOTW Report

HERE IT IS, the video I’ve been waiting for – The Compilation Of Trump’s Racism As Told By The Left

I’ve been asking for this all year. Now it’s here.

Let’s go through it point by point-

The moron begins the video by declaring Trump is a racist, and compares it to saying “water is wet.”

So, what’s her proof?

:28 – Trump’s Muslim ban.

Well, Islam is not a race, so, this is idiotic on its face.

:55 – Trump calls Neo Nazis in Charlottesville “good people.”

Uhh, no. Trump said the groups on both sides, that came to protest, had good people in those groups. Not everyone on the right were NEO NAZIS, and not everyone on the left were Antifa. Simple statement. Correct, Factual. He also said people on both sides had bad people. Correct. Factual.

What Trump was trying to say is that he will not allow the left to simply call everyone on the right Neo-Nazis during a climate where the alt-left was claiming their violence was justified because everyone they encounter at rallies deserve to be beaten.

1:15 Trump refers to the 70% Black NFL as SOBs.

He called the people taking a knee during the anthem SOBs. I agree. Many people do. It has nothing to do with their skin color. The white people are SOBs as well. No racism here. Next.

Second of all, what does the NFL being 7o% black have to do with anything? He was talking about knee takers.

If they happen to be black, so be it.

1:30 Trump says Puerto Ricans want everything done for them.

Trump was talking specifically about hurricane relief efforts, and the politician’s inability to get things done.

How is this “racist”? Select groups are immune from criticism? This is idiotic.

1:54 Trump imitates Asian repression.

It’s a fact that Asians can be reserved and retired and timid in certain social situations. It’s a cultural thing. It’s racism to observe it? Idiotic. Next.

2:00 Trump refers to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas.

How is making fun of a woman who faked being an Indian by calling her one of the most famous Indians in history, racist?

That’s like calling a guy who rises to fame by stealing valor “Patton.”

Are we disparaging Patton? No.

Nice try Einstein! (SWIDT? That phrase does not disparage Einstein.)

2:15 Trump retweets Jayda Fransen video.

Fransen is the leader of Britain First, a group opposed to the Muslim takeover of Britain. That’s a good idea. Again, Islam is not a race. Therefore, not racist.

2:30 Trump says all Haitians live in huts and have AIDS.

Fake news. Not one person present at the infamous meeting is on the record saying they witnessed this. 

2:45  In 1973, Trump purportedly refused to rent apartments to black people.

This was 44 years ago.

2: 50  Trump calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5.

The narrator of this video says they were “exonerated.” NO THEY WERE NOT.

They were guilty as sin. They confessed, there was forensic evidence proving they did this. One of them confessed to his father that he did it. The fact that another guy confessed, and his DNA was found on her sock, doesn’t make the 5 other guys innocent.

They attacked her, left her for dead, and then this scumbag, Reyes, raped a dying woman when stumbled across her.

3: 08 Trump is a xenophobe that wants to make America white again because he wants to build a wall on the southern border.

Stopping people from jumping our border illegally is not racist. Legal immigration continues under president Trump’s administration.

3:14 Trump doesn’t condemn David Duke.

He has, many, many, many times.

So, this is it. This video proves Trump is a racist.

No, no it doesn’t. It’s the same garbage repeated over and over again, in hopes that it will magically become true.






20 Comments on HERE IT IS, the video I’ve been waiting for – The Compilation Of Trump’s Racism As Told By The Left

  1. You’re a better man than I for wading thru this Pink Slime of Leftist Victim-Propaganda presented by a smug, Angela Davis wannabe, Leftist SJW. I can’t handle it. Their goal is to divide the country and by the looks of it they are doing a good job of it!

  2. Ever hear of a beauty parlor Latonishqua? I bet that mess on her head smells as bad as it looks. And they wonder why people have been distancing themselves from them and their me-first entitled ways.

    Your man-child fairy god no longer sits on the throne, honey. Be prepared for when the pendulum swings!

  3. How about an experiment. Let’s investigate how privileged the white race is. Whitey is always forced to look at life thru the lens of a black person because whitey will never understand what it’s like to be black.

    OKAY, with all my privilege in check, let’s assume for a moment a white person actually needs help, as in real government assistance. There are different rungs to the ladder of privilege and only a white person would understand that, so bear with me while I paint the picture for a black person. A grinding and polishing of the lens for a black person, so to speak.

    From a high level, maybe a white person will goto a favorite search engine and look for ANY program that would assist him, being in dire straights (the lowest run of the privilege ladder), a (non-racist) general all encompassing search might be, “White government groups,” because the search “Black government groups” returns over 710,000,000 results.

    What’s that? Your favorite search engine makes a suggestion, did you mean, “white antigovernment groups?”

    No, actually, that’s not what I meant. I need real assistance. However, the first link drags me over to the SPLC that identifies 998 antigovernment groups in a witch hunt.

    The second link drags me over to a WAPO report proving (in some echo chamber) that the government has IGNORED my supremacist threats.

    Woah, hang on, I’m not making threats, I just need assistance. Well, let’s keep looking.

    Meet my local anti government extremest groups? Nooo.. still need help to feed my family.

    10th link proves I hate the government and I’m multiplying!!! SHit damn, I hope some one shuts me down, but for now I still need to feed my family.

    2nd page..

    Apartheid, More supremacy (this time confirmed by the BBC in case I needed a second opinion from another country), and MY PEOPLE are on the rise!!!! (?)

    Nope… several pages later (I’m on page 8), still haven’t found a goddamn thing to help me or my family.

    Link 1 of page 1, simply replacing the word “white” with “black” yields:

    “Top Black Organizations.”

    Oh, that’s interesting, maybe these groups would be open to give me and my family a meal since the government directly (based on my skin color) believes all I want to do is tear them down… Let’s goto their websites and ask for help.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Nope, I was shut down by all of them plus another 100 more just because of MY SKIN COLOR. Interestingly, these groups are funded with white tax payer dollars. Why won’t they help a fellow contributor?

    Okay, welp, my searching is exhausting. You see, even when I’m down on luck looking for a bone, everywhere I turn someone tells me to just roll over and die.

    Try carrying the weight of that around with you, blacky.

    DJT and a common white cisgender male is open to berate anywhere, anytime, without a filter. We’re the scum in your swamp.

    The scum will grow and plug the inlet tube.

    It’s about damn time for push back and I don’t give a shit if it’s blatant racist. Even false accusations of racism don’t matter to me. eye for an eye damnit. Yea sure, my non-slave owning 5 generations ago grandpappy made life so miserable for blacks. Here and now the non-slave owning white generation is shit on in every corner and it’s somehow twisted as privilege. You don’t think white genocide is active, think again. All the soy eating pansy white hate has no home here perpetuating homosexual undernormative fucktards who play the hand in fear of triggering a “minority” while looking through the lens of a “minority” is the biggest problem (aka, mainstream) and I wish nothing but the worst for them in 2018. Keep tipping your hat to this nonsense like you’re taking some moral high ground. That ground is eroding, fast.

  4. Clinicians in the field of mental health often encounter individuals suffering from this common malady, the technical term used in the medical field for her condition is shit-for-brains.

  5. White privilege Bahaaa. So sick of these people.
    More blacks are working now then in decades, more are off food stamps,
    more are switching from the democratic party to the republican party and Hillary kissed a KKK Grand Wizard from West Virginia. drop mic

  6. “Here’s a bunch of videos of Trump saying things that do not agree with our narrative. Those who don’t agree with our narrative are people we do not like. People we don’t like are those worthy of being labeled. The worst label we can give is that of a racist. Therefore, comrades, Trump is a racist!”

    Exhibit #845,153: Liberalism is a mental illness.

  7. “2:30 Trump says all Haitians live in huts and have AIDS.
    Fake news. Not one person present at the infamous meeting is on the record saying they witnessed this.”

    The very headline that this bint chose to put on screen says “Haiti had sent 15,000 people. ‘They all have AIDS,’ he grumbled,”. The HEADLINE states that he was referring specifically to the 15,000!

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