Here’s How The Biden Admin Treated Countries Who Kicked Candidates Off The Ballot – IOTW Report

Here’s How The Biden Admin Treated Countries Who Kicked Candidates Off The Ballot

DC Enquirer: The Biden administration has enacted or threatened sanctions against foreign nations who have kicked opposition candidates off the ballot, leading some lawmakers to question the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling this week to remove former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 election ballot.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 decision on Tuesday to remove Trump from the state 2024 election ballots, having decided he is disqualified to run for office under the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban,” despite the former president not being criminally convicted of such an offense. The Biden administration has previously used sanctions in retaliation against foreign nations who engaged in stifling political competition and removing opponents from election ballots, as several lawmakers have pointed out this week.

“The U.S. has put sanctions on other countries for doing exactly what the Colorado Supreme Court has done today,” Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said on Tuesday.

“We’d threaten sanctions against countries that had their courts exclude a challenger to protect the incumbent,” Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee said Tuesday. more here

5 Comments on Here’s How The Biden Admin Treated Countries Who Kicked Candidates Off The Ballot

  1. Just remember…the two worthless criminal major parties CONSPIRE endlessly at the state level to pass ballot access laws that keep their competition at bay or bankrupt by the time they overcome the endless hurdles. This is NOT a new thing, but a thing the two-faced oligarchy employs for EVERY ELECTION. In some cases it only benefits the incumbent, in others it benefits both worthless parties by keeping the third parties at bay. In GA, its so bad that NO third party has qualified for the ballot to run for the US House since 1935! When I lived in CA in the 90s, we got candidates on the ballot for US House with just 120 signatures and ZERO filing fees. Indeed, the system is RIGGED against anyone who might threaten the status quo – dem or rep.

  2. Dan_7:25  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. KJB


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