Hey GOP, There’s More Than Just Ukraine Going On – IOTW Report

Hey GOP, There’s More Than Just Ukraine Going On

Kurt Schlichter for TownHall: There’s this thing called multitasking and we GOP voters expect the Republicans to try it out. Democrats? Nah, because we expect nothing from Democrats. But the Dems are good at multi-tasking. Even as they pretend to be butch about Ukraine – such fakery is rivaled only by the bride’s performance on a Bulwark staffer’s wedding night – they simultaneously embrace such initiatives as schoolhouse kiddie grooming and women’s sports champions who are dudes. They can focus on more than just Ukraine. Of course, we actually expect nothing from Republicans either, but at least with them we normals have a chance to influence their behavior, even if only by threatening them with a primary by someone based who will drag them back to America from their DC estates and make them campaign amongst the unwashed.

There are a lot of miserable things going on here at home in addition to the Disney-approved kindergarten perversion propaganda and girl athletes who are boys crises. We have an elite treating the idea of free speech like Bill Clinton treated his wedding vows, gas prices higher than Cheech & Chong hanging at Seth Rogan’s place, and a border that is open wider than Ana Navarro’s pie-hole at Golden Corral’s Endless Fountain of Ham. We have a potential Supreme Court justice who thinks kiddie porn pervs should get a slap on the wrist and an election system that is a slap in the face to democracy. Burger is $7 a pound and Jussie Smollett is free – and don’t be surprised if his double jeopardy argument works on appeal!  read more

12 Comments on Hey GOP, There’s More Than Just Ukraine Going On

  1. The Republican establishment welcomes the distraction from their self-inflicted impotence. Talk is cheap (politically) and they are cheap and love to talk (I’m pointing at you, Mike Lee).

    Yes, we might give them back the majority in Congress in November, but what will they do with it? I’m guessing it will be the same as last time and the time before that. They are nothing if not consistent — consistent disappointments.

    All of this suffering and chaos would not have happened without the eager collusion of Republican leaders and most of the rank and file. Democrats will do what they do. They have not changed their behavior since Wilson. They take everything. Compromise is defined by them as total capitulation by the opposition. Republicans have been more than helpful with that, since Nixon’s gentlemanly capitulation to having the presidency stolen from him by JFK’s daddy.

    The Republican Party is dead, an impotent anachronism led by self-absorbed, elitist hypocrites (yeah, I know. I’m also describing the Democrat leadership, except the impotent part — well, political impotence, anyway). The Republican leadership reacted to the Reagan Revolution by treating his supporters as their enemy, the Tea Party as their enemy and MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters as their enemy, even to the extent of sacrificing the country to punish them for their insolence.

    Would the country be better off now if Reagan had chosen to stay in the Democrat Party and fight off the leftist radicals that ultimately took it over?

    I think Trump should run for the Democrat nomination for President in 2024, with Tulsi Gabbard as VP. I don’t necessarily trust either of them, but it would shake things up big time — and what politician can you really trust? It’s always a gamble and at least some disappointment.

  2. Brad, I see a Stallone/Seagal project in the near future. But it had better be the really near future. Stallone is like 90, and Seagal is about 290 now.

    Who would be a good Zelenskyyy?

  3. Maybe it’s time to revive the old joke, Why do you feel sophisticated when you go to the bathroom? European! The GOPee is a big joke and so are the Europeans who seem to be constantly fighting one another at least once or twice a century. And why are RINO’s as big of warmongers as their democrap useful idiot counterparts are who never met a war they didn’t try to subvert and intentionally lose i.e. World War 1, Korea, Vietnam, the War on terror especially Afghanistan.

  4. Wasn’t surprised watching Miss Lindsey run cover for Ketanji yesterday. Let’s face it, she’s going to the SCOTUS. McConnell already stated he’ll shut down ANY opposition to her confirmation.

  5. Looking ahead to the collapse of our formerly magnificent form of government, who would be our Putinesce strongman?

    Schwarzennigger blew himself up, Ventura is over the hill… does Tom Brady have any political aspirations?
    That thought makes me shudder; outside of football he reeks of soymilk.


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