Hey Leftists – It’s not “OK” that you’re so stupid – IOTW Report

Hey Leftists – It’s not “OK” that you’re so stupid

Here is 4chan planning their trolling operation to get the left to believe that innocuous hand gestures are, in fact, signals to fellow racists.

This is playing into the left’s natural tendencies for being stupid and paranoid.

Here is a very serious article on the Daily Krotch that states emphatically that Stephen Miller is signaling white supremacists with these “hand signs.”

Earlier in the week the ridiculous left claimed that a Mexican/Jew was flashing signals behind Kavanaugh to her fellow Nazis. Her grandparents escaped the holocaust.

Yesterday she trolled these imbeciles by overtly flashing to them. This is my kind of gal.

The left, however, didn’t take this as a kick to the groin. No. They say it PROVES she is a white supremacist.

What do you do with this kind of stupidity? You certainly do not elect them into any position of power. It’s best to just let them loose in a rubber room.

Here is the ADL trying to subtly calm their brethren down so that everyone on that side of the aisle doesn’t look so foolish. (Too late.)

In their article they say they uncovered other 4 Chan plans to co-opt normal everyday gestures and actions to make the left believe they are “alt-right” signals. My favorite one is where a guy suggests that they spread the disinformation that clapping is anti-feminist.


It really would be possible to troll the left into catatonia, unable to participate in society for fear that everything is a symbol that is against their worldview.

One of the 4-Chan trolling efforts was to say that milk was a symbol of white supremacy. Many leftist sites fell for it. But one pinhead not only fell for it, she wrote a research paper about it.

For the sake of the left, one could only hope that we are the ones being trolled here and this professor doesn’t really exist.

I’m starting to become a proponent of Universal Healthcare… mental healthcare… for the left.

20 Comments on Hey Leftists – It’s not “OK” that you’re so stupid

  1. I’m not only wearing white after Labor Day, but I have a brightly colored tie on. This makes me racist, anti-LGBTQ and, because I’m “o.k.” with it, a white supremacist.

    Only two more social offenses before I can call Bingo.

  2. @F4UCorsair – Only if you than flick it at a liberal, followed by a yellow-green-purple loogie. Hopefully you will be in Florida and just “Stand your ground”. Wow, thanks, never knew who George Lincoln Rockwell was. Yes, MJA, just farken’ iceholes all (while wearing my white cut-off wranglers)

  3. @BFH:

    It’s best to just let them loose in a rubber room.

    How about a room full of tripping hazards and heavy furniture with hard, sharp edges?

    How does one go about firing up one of these viral “challenges”? I’m thinking about the possible benefits from a Run With Scissors Steak Knife Challenge.

  4. What you hear is “Have a Nice Day,” but that’s really a covert white supremacist greeting. It’s actually “Have an Ice Day,” and we all know ice is white, cold, hard, and slippery. Remember: People of Color all come from warm climates where there IS NO ICE!

  5. The left is still so childishly intrigued by secret signs and the ever-popular dog whistles that they can see or hear them in virtually anything. Like Sarah Silverman and the “nazi” signs painted on the pavement by a utility company, or the reporter who thought seriously that earplugs were rubber bullets.

    Dianny–me too. What she did in the hearing was exquisite trolling. 😀

    Uncle AL, or worse–we want them to get picked up by ICE and deported.

  6. I thought if you use white toilet paper where you have to pull it down from the back of the roll, that means that particular toilet is used by white nationalist. If you see the roll and you have to pull it down from the front, that means don’t use that toilet as it has been used by non-whites.


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