Hillary Clinton Calls 31 Million Breitbart Readers ‘Racist’ Klansmen – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Calls 31 Million Breitbart Readers ‘Racist’ Klansmen

I think Breitbart struck one of Hillary’s working nerves…

Breitbart: Amid a deafening chorus calling for the closure of her corrupt foundation to stop bagging foreign cash for favors, embattled Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has decided to label 31 million people as racists, simply because they don’t agree with her:


clinton byrd

Say! Is that Hillary with Robert Byrd?

22 Comments on Hillary Clinton Calls 31 Million Breitbart Readers ‘Racist’ Klansmen

  1. OK, so Cankles has left the building! Pull the plug on her candidacy. She is off the rails, heading for a full blown train wreck, taking no hostages, and leaving no survivors. Can you say “NERVOUS BREAKDOWN, hence, not eligible for office?” Can you say sick with Parkinsons, and no longer a viable candidate? Can you deem Grannie Alinski is unfit for any public office whatsoever? Can you conceive the notion that she will harm others, then herself, so lock her up and leave her there until death. AMEN!

  2. She tried to paint Trump as Racist. That hasn’t worked out so well, so she demonizes his supporters. That will not work out well either, if we don’t take the bait.

    For every obscure white American racist in bedsheets she tries to tie to Trump, there are ten royal Arab racists in bedsheets who bought her services.

  3. ”Breitbart = KKK/White Nationalists…therefore Trump = the same”
    Oh, REALLY?!?

    This is a sign of how utterly desperate Hillary’s campaign is,
    how bereft of ideas it is,
    and exactly what the MSM is going to run with as the gospel truth.

    Trump needs to hire Dinesh D’Souza and push how
    the Dems are the Party of the KKK and American bigotry, hatred and violence.

    The Clinton Campaign is going DOWN, DOWN, DOWN…..
    They need to re-name her THE TITANIC…like her A§$.

  4. Voir Dire, she is headed to Florida tomorrow to register Puerto Ricans to vote. The GOP almost forgot to get Trump on the ballot in Minnesota. She is raising big bucks and registering voters with this racial fear-mongering. Reports of her death have been greatly exaggerated. She can do “Three days off, One day on” at tightly-controlled events until election day. And by “events”, I mean places where she gets money pocketed or voters registered. No reason to tire herself out talking to the little people anymore.



  6. Czar – Oh it’s awesome! I got myself covered for anything.
    I’m actually 60% racist, 30% of me is victimized by the 60%, and 10% of me is still waiting for my damned casino and pretty beads I was promised by some treaty somewhere (also victimized by the 60%).

    I’m good to go!

  7. Hillary must not have seen the racist emails that were hacked from the d.n.c.? If anyone actually believes anything she says then you must not have been paying attention to all of her lies the past year. She’s actually going to try to shame people not to support Trump?

  8. The left is defining “Alt Right” as racists rather than what we are which is Anti-Establishment. They used to be the cool kids – bucking the system… but they ARE the system! I’m so desensitized to being called a pot by the kettle that it just rolls right off me. The Race Card is always played when they’re scared shitless.

  9. What does she call the rioters and domestic terrorist group, BLM? They are horrid. I don’t see the KKK rioting and looting, blocking traffic or beating people after dragging them from cars, or targeting law enforcement.

    But the, the KKK isn’t funded by Soros and the liberal bastards.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a supremacist of any type, but the KKK uses it
    Freedom of expression legally, not destructively.

    And don’t try to go back in history of the KKK. Past can’t be rectified. The present is how the future will look upon ‘the past’.

    How are we doing? Making out
    future ancestors proud? Well, we haven’t seen anything as bad as the last 7+ horrid, destructive, divisive, oppressive years, have been, as a Hillary presidency will enjoy as she sells Ameruca like an estate auction.

    Fund raising furiously, read that as taking bids.

  10. @Whatshername August 25, 2016 at 3:48 pm

    Recovering cuckservative? That’s alright. It takes time. But,

    If Kim Jong-un goes on the North Korean television, and denounces you for being a muggle, do you,

    a) Apologize and beg for the opportunity to do better.

    b) Defiantly proclaim pride in your muggledom.

    c) Try to convince The Internet that while you are a muggle, so is Kim Jong-un, so… um… so there.

    d) Point out that Kim Jong-un just called you a muggle.

  11. I never had any respect for Byrd, basically using our money to put his name on anything that didn’t move in WV. OTH, how could he endanger his health by getting that close within Hillary’s orbit. He must have had a large bottle of Syrup of Ipecac in his pocket to do a complete cleanse, probably couldn’t eat for week afterwards!

  12. When a political supporter, columnist, or news person says “a thinking person” they mean themselves.

    When a candidate says “intelligent voter” they are talking about people committed to voting for them.

    The statements above says just about all you need to know to figure out the current campaign season.

    “News should be given out for instruction rather than information.”
    – Joseph Goebbels

  13. I love Allen West and other “honorable” black men. But I ABHOR obama and his black gov’t shills.
    I read Breitbart daily so count me in as racist I guess. Better than being a left wing puppet being played for a fool.
    Is hillary going to come for ALL of us?

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