Hillary Clinton on CBS Evening News: ‘I Don’t Believe I Ever Have’ Lied to the American People – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton on CBS Evening News: ‘I Don’t Believe I Ever Have’ Lied to the American People


Newsbusters: Roughly a week after he sat down with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for a two-part interview on February 10, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley did the same in Las Vegas on Thursday with Hillary Clinton and while he failed to press her on the issue of honesty and trustworthiness, Clinton admitted to him that “I don’t believe I ever have” lied to the American people. 

In part two, Pelley cozied up to Clinton on the influence her late mother has had on her life and specifically “[w]hich words are her words?”

Pelley began part one with a simple question by telling her what Sanders and Donald Trump “have tapped into” is really “a powerful thing” and if she understood that. When she told him that she’s recognized that “people are angry,” he followed up by lamenting that while her “resume checks almost every box in terms of experience…that doesn’t seem to be what the American people want in this election.” After a brief back and forth on her tax policy (which was a topic he also broached with Sanders), Pelley remarked that then-candidate Jimmy Carter “famously said” to voters in 1976 that “I will not lie to you.” –more

33 Comments on Hillary Clinton on CBS Evening News: ‘I Don’t Believe I Ever Have’ Lied to the American People

  1. When your “life” is one giant struggle to “stick it to the man”, and you’re a devotee of Alinsky, there are no lies, there are only statements to advance the narrative.
    When you look at it that way, she can say it with a straight face and believe it because you’re doing it “for the children.”

  2. She just used the wrong word. She meant to say, ‘told the truth’. Perhaps she did and it was whitewashed by the MSM.

    IT FUN TO WATCH THE PANIC! It’s like watching the witch that had water thrown on her in, THE WIZARD OF OZ. Hillary is melting.

  3. How did this question get asked? I’m sure it wasn’t on the approved list. I.E., the list her people gave the interviewer.

    Bet she don’t talk to that guy even one more time.

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