American Mirror; Hillary Clinton vowed to “change” her Twitter bio after it was pointed out at she lists “wife” first, while Bill Clinton doesn’t acknowledge her in his.
This is apparently the depth of the feminist struggle today.
While addressing the World Voices Festival on Sunday, Hillary was quizzed about “the fact that ‘wife’ comes first in @HillaryClinton‘s Twitter bio whereas the same order does not apply to her husband,” attendee Jazmin Kay reports. more here
Does she leave in co-conspirator?
FLOTUS a loan
I agree. “Thief” should be first followed by “murderer” and “traitor”.
Bill doesn’t list “husband” first because he wasn’t riding Hillary’s coat tails into office. Now that Bill’s coat tails are no longer of value to Hillary, she can make a big show of washing that man right out of her bio. But you can be damned sure she’ll stay married to him so they don’t have to testify against each other.
So she’s pre-loading the territory for her big reveal? /snark
Replace it with Liar.
Subtract Wife,Add Crooked
She should put Hilldabeast as part of her bio.
Why wasn’t “MOM” first? I think I know. It’s because she wants people to remember she is Bill Clinton’s wife, for some street cred.
Were she not the “wife” of the sexual predator and alleged (and likely) rapist, no one would even know her name. “Wife” is the sum and substance of her lifetime accomplishments. She is the quintessential modern Marxist feminist.
What is this ‘children’s advocate’ crap she keeps talking about? Anyone know?
Hillary, the little woman.
(sarc off)
These two crooked lawyers were never really husband and wife. I’ve always referred to these creatures as Criminal Business partners… amongst a whole slew of other nasty things!
So the independence to make her own decisions, to live her own life, according to her own rules, means she must parrot her husband’s choices? Right down to her Twitter template. Hey, Mel Gibson, can I get a “Freedom!”?
Poor Bill, gonna get whacked just so Hilary can play the grieving widow card at her trial
False advertising. Not one cookie was ever baked.
Quick edit: change “fe” to “tch”
Who wouldn’t think of Shitlery when they hear this classic American anthem:
A wretched and miserable creature who by parasitic conniving managed to weasel her way high in government yet could never shake the bitterness and envy that formed her unlikable personality.
MJA, she advocates for unborn children to be murdered. Semantics…
Replace it with “amoraL, hideous hag.
Calling this Clinton rug muncher a wife is an insult to the billions of real wives throughout the history of Earth who’ve partnered with husbands to bear the successive generation.
Wymyn who admire Hillary, who only serves herself, demean their gender.
I am guessing she is a Wife In Name Only. WINO!
Bint or crunt would be good replacements.
Burner – She’s so good at it she might actually be proud of those!
Is it just me, or does the sight of her invoke a giant… “EW!”
(I have the same reaction to Barbara Streisand.)
I see “Harpy” is conspicuously absent from her bio…