Home Caregivers Identify Evidence of Voter Fraud in Bid to Oust Union – IOTW Report

Home Caregivers Identify Evidence of Voter Fraud in Bid to Oust Union

Daily Signal: EDINA, Minn.An in-home caregiver named Edison is supposed to live in a unit on the seventh floor of the Cedars of Edina apartment complex, according to a list supplied by the state government.

But when The Daily Signal tags along on a visit to the Gallagher Drive location by activists seeking to decertify the union that represents such caregivers, no one by Edison’s full name can be found in the directory of residents.

“As you can see, we scrolled through the electronic directory where the names are listed alphabetically,” canvasser Matt Patterson tells this reporter. “There is no one listed here named Edison.”

Which is odd, Patterson adds, because Edison’s name is a new one that Minnesota had just provided on a list of Medicaid-eligible home caregivers represented by the union, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota.

“We’ll want to make sure this person has actually moved and is not residing here,” he notes.

Patterson, executive director of the Washington-based Center for Worker Freedom, is working with a local lawyer to expose what they suspect is voter fraud, unauthorized collection of dues from Medicaid payments, and other illegal or improper actions connected with unionization of in-home caregivers in Minnesota. more here

7 Comments on Home Caregivers Identify Evidence of Voter Fraud in Bid to Oust Union

  1. When organized labor claims that the best thing for the working man and woman is open borders and the unfettered influx of low skill labor, you can rest assured that those union organizers have sold your ass out to the Establishment. They don’t give a fuck about you Mr. & Ms. Avg. Working Stiff.

  2. SEIU is a political Powerhouse fraught with Highly paid Executive Officers, Union Organizers, Directors, coordinators, thugs and thieves.
    A social justice, progressive/socialist, Lesbian is their International President. Her live in female partner(a senior strategic organizer with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters), are both advocates for same-sex marriage and other issues involving perverts and socialism.

  3. What I see here is what has been going on for the last umpteen years. Those on the side of the leftist political agenda commit massive amounts of fraud and crime, they string out investigations so long that they go nowhere and nobody gets punished. Then they go on and do it again and again and again ad infinitum.

    Until honest folks in law enforcement prosecute these bastards to the full extent of their crime it will continue to be a downward spiral in our country an society.

    I won’t hold my breath that any of the perpetrators will ever see their just due in prison.

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