How Asinine and Incoherent is the #BlackLivesMatter Movement? – IOTW Report

How Asinine and Incoherent is the #BlackLivesMatter Movement?

Even Hillary gets snippy with this moron who says the problem is white violence against blacks.

Of course her answer sounds like complete patronization, because it has to be. These are adolescent minds we are dealing with in this movement.

When you start from a position that is a fairytale, that blacks need to fear white violence, what conversational path do you take, especially when the people who fear white violence will burn the city down if you don’t placate their every childish wish?Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 11.14.49 AM


24 Comments on How Asinine and Incoherent is the #BlackLivesMatter Movement?

  1. Is there an involuntary sphincter at the back of her throat that contracts her arm and hand muscles when she talks? Back in 10 years, yep, back every day, because they expect moar free shit. Just keep her hands away from my view.

  2. Looks to me like free sh!t is becoming an epidemic! Until those in positions of authority have to start paying these cretins out of their own pockets, this is not going to stop.

  3. Yeah he’s impassioned. So?

    Did he vote for REgressives? We all know the definition of insanity, don’t we? He’s a democrat-he supports the NEA-he supports the very policies that have destroyed the black community. 85% of young men in his community don’t have fathers living in the home. And he expects a different result??

    He makes noises at times like a conservative and most of the blacks I’ve known hold a lot of conservative views-I’ve always called them low hanging fruit for us but until they lose the mentality that says they’re owed more then having the unbelievable good fortune to have been born here, he might as well be howling at the moon.

    And he wants to march? Good luck with that.

  4. I saw a recent poll, where 90% of black voters disagree with DemocRATic positions on abortion, immigration, homosexual marriage, and veterans’ issues.

    Why do they overwhelming ly DemocRAT? Well, the Free Stuff. Lyndon Johnson was absolutely right.

    If the #BlackLivesMatter “protesters” had one scintilla of honesty in them, they’d run the Planned Abortionhood Clinics out of their neighborhoods, rather than looting the Best Buy, the CVS and the Quickee-Mart.

  5. I don’t think this culture is going to change overnight. And yea I’d wager he voted for the regressives. But it’s a very vocal step in the right direction to getting off the Democrat Plantation.

  6. “I don’t think this culture is going to change overnight.”

    I think you mean THEIR culture because frankly I’m fine with my white heritage. Most white people I know want to work nor are they aren’t plugged into a mentality that says they’re owed jackshit.

    OTOH almost every larger city has a considerable population of feral black thugs that hate white people, attack them brutally at the drop of a hat, hate the police of every color, hate school and for the most part, hate this country. They revel in a sewer culture that glorifies violence, promiscuity, laziness and victimhood.

    So, Alderman’s solution? Keep voting REgressive so the goodie train doesn’t stop and march. Great fucking plan.

  7. I’ll take any awakening we can get. Isn’t that what we keep saying – Wake Up America?

    Look at that Representative in Louisiana that moved from D to R. He has made some pretty good waves.

    I think Trump is fanning that wave. It’s exciting to see some results.

  8. I am a middle aged white man and all my life I have had what I would call a healthy respect/fear for law enforcement folks. If I see a cruiser behind me turn on his lights I believe there is a reason and pull over and do as told. If I were ever told to stop, freeze, put my hands up, get on the ground, drop something etc. I would do it. I wouldn’t argue or cry about my rights. Maybe folks should try respecting the law and see what happens. I bet they would be treated a lot better!

  9. Black democrats jumped the shark ages ago. I consider “black democrat” to be spot on synonym for “imbecile”, “moron”, “unhinged sociopath”, or “useless, stupid ass sack of shit”… take your pick.

  10. I don’t disagree with what you are saying. This guy was a Marine though so maybe not as liberal as we might think. There’s a whole shit load of Feral youths that are lost to this society. They are not salvageable. The fact that anybody, even the Dems, would recognize Black Lives Matter is amazing. They should be talking to this guy. That was my point.

  11. Been saying this for years.
    I’ve often laid out the left’s agenda and blacks do not support ANY of it except FREE SHIT.
    They are not environmentalists.
    They are not gay friendly.
    They are not Global Warmists.
    They are not anti-gun.
    They are not for campaign finance reform.
    They are not for open borders or amnesty.
    They are not globalists.

    They vote for one thing and one thing only – kasheesh.

  12. Long as they’re gettin free shit, they don’t GAS about any of the other stuff. They don’t really feel like they belong in America, anyway, so they don’t GAF if it crumbles or not, long as they get their free shit.

    Not just the negroes, either, the mexicans, too, and the Pakis, and a bunch of other third worlders.

  13. #FrenchFriesMatter

    (I know, it’s ‘yellow matter custard’ but that won’t work, here)

  14. The Demosleaze theme song for the plantation dwellers courtesy of Alice Cooper –

    Is there something I can provide
    When you feel like life`s passed you by

    I`m on your side
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that

    Please don`t ask me my name
    Does it matter I`m just here for you
    Trust me just let yourself go
    And that`s all you need to know

    I`m on your side
    I`m your only friend
    Yes I`m on your side

    Don`t you wish you had it all
    Don`t you deserve to have it all
    Kneel down and tell me what you need

    Fame and money all for you
    I can make your every dream come true

    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that
    Gimme this gimme that

    Tell me whose more important than you

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  1. This Was Overlooked During Hillary’s Discussion With #BlackLivesMatter

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