How EASY is it for the Media to knee-cap Republican Candidates? – IOTW Report

How EASY is it for the Media to knee-cap Republican Candidates?

Every time a Conservative/Republican candidate rises up – the media successfully knocks them out. They did it to Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, McCain, Romney, NOW Carson…

… EXCEPT for ONE CANDIDATE – Donald Trump

They tried several times to knock Trump out, UNSUCCESSFULLY.

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44 Comments on How EASY is it for the Media to knee-cap Republican Candidates?

  1. trump likes the offensive, and you don’t want him as your enemy

    similar to how the left will beat on christians, but not on muslims

    they’re afraid of him, and his backlash is brutal

    go trump, kick ass

  2. I totally agree. Trump bashing Carson is bad. IMHO. This is another good opportunity for our candidates (Trump, Carson, Cruz-maybe Rubio) to fight back against the media and spotlight it as another example of their bias.

    It’s too late though- I think Trump tweeted something rude against Carson. Oh, The Donald…:(

  3. Except that now, the DeM-S-M, after so many years of being the schoolyard bully, is being successfully fought back against and knocked down and bruised. Not only are there many more conservative news sources speaking up – and the audiences are larger and are actually LISTENING – the candidates themselves have learned a lesson from the past, and are speaking up against these “gotcha” questions and attacks.

  4. Hold on a minute…the Carson story doesn’t seem to have much of, oh…what is that called, again?…Oh, yeah, TRUTH! Seems Politiho may have stretched truth beyond the breaking point.

  5. even though WE know that the politico kneecap hit-job on Carson is a total lie, it may still work.

    He MIGHT be finished now. I don’t know whether Carson can reach through the BS and stomp it down like Trump can.

    The fact that they can’t make ANYTHING stick on Trump is a true phenomenon.

  6. go trump, you are correct

    he could give a shit less about the media and it works for him

    megyn kelly tried to hit with that sexism crap right out of the box, and it backfired because he doesn’t have time for pc shit

    he hit that out of the park

    he is resonating because of the pc crap, lies and slander, kissing ass when we should be kicking ass

    people are tired of this wimpy shit, and they like him for telling it like it is

    nothing else is working

  7. Trump appears to be invulnerable.
    The media is keeping Carson off-balance and on defense so that he is no longer on message. He shouldn’t take the bait.
    They will turn their undivided attention on Trump when the time is right; when they perceive a kill is possible. At the moment they’re nipping around his ankles with their latino attack chihuahuas.
    They don’t have to go for the decision until later, when CHEB! appears to be making a comeback.

    The media maggots need to be hanged.

    Along with their socialist masters.

  8. Mr Pinko,
    It’s because the nice guy always seems to finish last if he finishes at all. While the lying mean bastard thieving populists chosen by the left get a complete pass. The lap dog media never sleeps, always searching for the perfect dagger. Even if daggers can’t be found their practice of throwing out a nail clipper as a dagger to the public is enough. The lefts large group of puppets all repeat the lie of the nail clipper being a dagger until the leftist nation members scream dagger, dagger, dagger!

    All of this was laid out by Joey Geobbels: “Demagogy in the good sense is simply the ability to get the masses to understand what I want them to understand.”

  9. I agree with Mr. Pinko on Trump. He knows exactly how to squash these liberal ?s.

    My personal opinion is that this hit piece on Carson from Politicaulk will have a “Trump Effect” for him, making him more popular. I could be wrong but I sense the climate is that the electorate has had ENOUGH of this kind of character assassinations from the media. And Trump has shown how to take ’em down. Then again, Jerry Manderin didn’t pick up on the sense that his little Manderins would puke all over the place the last two days!

    Here’s Carson’s crime and unraveling as a candidate for President Of The United States: Carson has said for years that the day the subject of West Point came up was that it was “mostly cloudy” that day. But in reality the official forecast reported that day was actually “partly sunny.” There’s a huge difference between the two and I am at a loss at how Dr. Ben Carson could turn out to be so deceitful!

    Trump/Cruz 2016 until 2024 and then Cruz/Conservative Juggernaut until 2032 and on and on and on…

  10. These are the reasons the Donald is unafraid of the media and his opponents:

    1) He steals the media’s thunder. At this point they can’t call him arrogant, a braggart, a blow-hard or a bully because he’s already made those claims about himself — he wears those so-called criticisms like a badge of honor! It’s part of his brand, you media morons!

    2) No one can hurt his feewings by calling him “not nice.” He tells them that he’ll take competent over nice any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

    3) He doesn’t apologize for things normal people (read un-pc) shouldn’t apologize for — like being rich and successful, having a great childhood, a dad and mom he loves and admires, siblings he loves and who work with him, and beautiful, smart kids and a wife who adores him.

    4) Related to #3, above: He doesn’t feel guilty for his life. He doesn’t try to relate to people by making himself appear materially humble (remember Jimmeh Carter doing all those stupid things to convince us he was just a poor peanut farmer like all of us?).

    5) He believes in fair play. If you don’t play fair, guess what? You

    6) He doesn’t buy-into the leftist media’s presumptions about anything.

    7) He doesn’t suffer fools. And since most of the media is made up of fools, he doesn’t suffer any of it.

  11. This is one thing that has to be kept in mind, they are not so much the lib media as they are the prog media. The eRepublicans have their back because they to are progressives.

    Actually the prog media has the eRepublicans totally figured out and the eREpublicans are too stupid to realize that, or like the dumbass who keeps going back to a bad relationship… they are naive in the extreme. They think: maybe if I just do exactly what the abuser wants then the abuse will stop. IMHO the eRepublicans deserve the thrashing they get and then some.

    Trump understands the abusive nature of the relationship that the eRepublicans and media have been carrying on for the last five decades. Ted Cruz understands that dynamic, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh understand that dynamic and know what to do about it and Glen Beck just wants to hand out Teddy Bears and cry and wet his panties over it.

  12. I’m gonna say this and turn off my computer for the night.

    The LSM attacks Carson with a blatant lie, and Mr. Pinko, instead of defending Carson, makes the story about Trump being great.


    Mr Pinko and Mr. Trump should be standing on the biggest soap box they can find a scream at the top of their lungs that this story is crap! But no, they are seizing on an opportunity to promote themselves!

    We will never win with that attitude.

    Goodnight kids, play nice while I am gone.

  13. I know some people who are all hot for Carson, I tried to explain the reality that Trump is basically the only option to beat Hillary.

    People get hung up on some fantasy candidate, or get hung up on one flaw in a decent candidate, and BAM, another libtard president.

  14. if people bail on Carson where will they go? Methinks Cruz before Trump. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the runoff will be between Cruz and Trump in the end. Bingo.

  15. I had to go visit a customer and happened to catch Carson’s press conference in rebuttal while I was driving. I must say he knocked it out of the park and turned the tables on the press. He asked them why the never bothered investigating Obama on a number of things. Listen to it if you can.

  16. I loooove what Trump is doing to both the media and GOP. #GOPSmartSet is going through a lot of lotion just imagining his implosion. Their anti-Trump attacks annoy me more than any of the over the top “Trumpbots”. How many of those are actually paid to make him look bad, I wonder? Anti Trumpers make hateful blanket statements about his supporters. They’ve been on a full blown attack against talk radio as well. I find it insulting that they accuse me of “group think” if I listen to Levin. Some are even people I used to respect. Now…… they’re acting like leftists.

  17. Good for him.
    And all of this wouldn’t have happened if everybody took 10 minutes to wait for the other side of the story/ truth to come out instead.
    This whole thing ended up being an eye-roller and a yawner.

    Has anyone given Politiho and FOX a moist towel to wipe the egg off their faces?

  18. All I have been is pragmatic and I get skewered. Trump is the ultimate GOP go “F” yourself vote. He’s #1 in the polls. He’s more than Conservative enough on Immigration, taxes, the economy, jobs, etc… He’s uplifting “Make America Great Again”.
    But some are steadfast for the PERFECT Conservative. They rather lose with the perfect Conservative than win with the guy who can win the Presidency and put America back on a Conservative path.
    If Trump doesn’t win the nomination, you’ll be whining next year that the GOP sucks whether a Republican or Demorat wins.

  19. Donald Trump is the only candidate who is not afraid of the
    GOPe, the Media, the Rinos or the Clinton crime family.
    The last thing we need is a “nice” soft spoken candidate like
    Carson, who will be running across the aisle like the rest of
    the candidates who are indebted to the GOPe.
    I want a pit bull like Trump to get us back on track.

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