Huge Outage of Websites Today – IOTW Report

Huge Outage of Websites Today

Something up. It wasn’t just us. Rumble was down.

Lots of sites crippled.

18 Comments on Huge Outage of Websites Today

  1. There’s massive solar flares heading our way, Starlink might get taken out and other satellites around space. Might get the Carrington Effect. Oh what will the kiddies do when their cell phones take a dump? What will people look at when the phone is dead?

  2. I lost 100% of the 57 over the air channels I normally pick up earlier this morning.
    Losing some or poor reception happens occasionally but I’ve never lost everything. When they came back it was all together.

  3. “There is nothing wrong with your internet service. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. We control the horizontal. We control the vertical…”

  4. It’s all to explain and cover for the “financial crash reset” due to sunspots or some bullshit along those lines.

    They have to try to hide the out-of-control money printing economy somehow?

  5. This was posted by a commenter on A♠:

    “I’ve been using Google ads for years now as the site’s nearly sole source of income. Suddenly I get hit with a policy violation for not having original content, the only problem is according to their vague guidelines this would make almost every news website on the Internet that uses Adsense (and the vast majority do) out of compliance. Hard not to see that I am being unfairly singled out, almost certainly because of my political views. I wouldn’t be surprised if lefty trolls have been reporting us to Adsense, it wouldn’t be the first time.
    We’re now left dead in the water until I can find a suitable replacement, if that’s even possible. Google runs the Internet, especially the ad market.”

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