Huma Abedin’s mom linked to shocking anti-women book – IOTW Report

Huma Abedin’s mom linked to shocking anti-women book

NYP: As secretary of state, women’s-rights champ Hillary Clinton not only spoke at a Saudi girls school run by her top aide Huma Abedin’s ­anti-feminist mother, but Clinton invited the elder Abedin to participate in a State Department event for “leading thinkers” on women’s issues.


This happened despite ­evidence at the time that Saleha M. Abedin had explored the religious merits of sexual submissiveness, child marriage, lashings and stonings for adulterous women, and even the ­circumcision of girls.

The elder Abedin, whose daughter helps run Clinton’s presidential campaign, did take a pro-gender-equality stance on at least one issue: Muslim women’s right to participate in violent jihad alongside men.


11 Comments on Huma Abedin’s mom linked to shocking anti-women book

  1. With huma’s upbringing, has she been submissive to weiner, has she been lashed, is she eligible to be stoned because of her relationship with Hillary and has been subjected to female circumcision?

    Or are Saleha M. Abedin and Huma members of the Islamic elite who make rules for the masses while being exempt themselves.

    You know, like our president, Congress federal agency directors and large contributors.

  2. For ugly Muslim Huma life is good! She has a pervert for a husband, a terrorist woman hating Muslim for a Mother and a deranged cankle challenged liar for a lover!

  3. Lol, Anthony’s weiner must have just become too big a liability for Hillary’s Hummer. News is that she’s leaving him, and wants respect for their privacy during this difficult time.

    Does that mean that only certain people should get picture of weiner’s weenie during this period?

  4. @cato — The term is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), not ‘female circumcision.’ Saying this to you as a gentle reminder. In the West, there is no such thing as so-called female circumcision.

  5. Just heard on Fox Business/Stuart Varney that the Weiners are separating. Is there nothing these people won’t do to distract from Killery’s no-showing for the press?

  6. Watching all this corruption grow bigger and bigger and spread like a cancer is like some kind of Twilight Zone shit. Might even be too over the top for that show. Unbelievable.

  7. Are the Cankles fans and Cartel subscribers grabbing for the life vests and seat cushions yet on the good ship CarpetMunch? I think its listing to starboard, and badly.

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