Hunter Wanted Oligarchs from Russia but had to Settle for Ukraine – IOTW Report

Hunter Wanted Oligarchs from Russia but had to Settle for Ukraine

Just the News

Hunter Biden and his partners’ pursuit of Russian riches began as early as 2010 with payments from a Moscow-based machinery firm and its “patriarch,” and they intensified a few years later at a time when Joe Biden’s son was actually still serving as a U.S. Navy officer. That timeline is confirmed by bank records, contemporaneous emails and congressional testimony that chronicle a far larger effort by Biden, Inc. to target Moscow than has previously been acknowledged. 

Along the way, Hunter Biden and his partners like Devon Archer discussed plans to open up a Moscow office for their Rosemont firm, create a U.S-Russia business coalition and pursue a real estate venture with one oligarch that could have topped out at $1 billion, the evidence shows. More

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