“I need my service animal!” cries an antifa warrior – IOTW Report

“I need my service animal!” cries an antifa warrior

What, exactly, does she need this “service animal” for?

Fear of violence?

Fear of crowds?


What the hell is she doing going to a riot?

This poor service animal should be taken away from her.

46 Comments on “I need my service animal!” cries an antifa warrior

  1. My guess is her “service” animal is a gerbil.
    BTW, I’m fucking sick of people with any emotional problem they can come up with demanding that their service animal be allowed entrance where actual pets cannot. These snowflakes just use these poor animals like a binkie and blanket.

  2. If she truly needs a blind guide dog (contemporary feelgood euphemism: “service animal”), why would she not have it with her at all times, and if so, why would she bring it into such a melee in the first place?!?

    Add the charge of ANIMAL ENDANGERMENT and CRUELTY!

  3. @Czar of Defenestration

    Service animals are certified to aide in many human afflictions; PTSD, diabetes, seizure problems, aiding physically ‘challenged’ and perhaps even the delusional, as with that person/thing.

    However, the rest of your comment was right on. No one who has a ‘certified’ Service Animal would use it as anything more than a very valuable member of the family, which you would not put in harms way.

    Had the animal been identifiably harnessed, to work and thereby readily identifiable as a service animal, there is little reason for the police not to have taken it with the screaming banshee.

    Poor dog, (if there was one), probably made its escape at the first chance.

  4. A WOMAN was held accountable?! Is this the 1st one ever?

    Notice she had a very nice escort of 4 police officers surrounding her and making sure she didn’t hurt herself or anyone.

    If it was a man, they would have twisted his arms up behind his neck.

  5. ASPCA or Animal Humane Society should take the dog into custody and find it a safe home/owner. The loud noises would startle the dog, and walking around amidst the emptied, discarded/tossed urine bottles could easily cut its feet.
    If the dog was traumatized and got PTSD, then it might need a service animal itself. A whole new industry.

  6. Whoa !
    I have a couple parrots and I will defend them. Where are the reports of dead birds floating ?

    Exactly ! They heard hurricane and didn’t give ‘two shits’ what the democrat mayor said.

    Just sayin’

  7. She wanted to make certain the cameras picked up the fact that the vicious
    police officers were abusing a handicapped person. Optics.

    If she were truly in need of a service animal, it wouldn’t by training have left
    her side.

  8. Why would ‘it’ (don’t know the proper pronoun so I’m going with a default) leave it’s service animal? Perhaps it thought the animal might get hurt or lost. That means it knew what it was going into.
    If it needs a service animal for help during emotionally stressful times, why the hell is it in the middle of a riot?
    The list of behaviors in a demonstration/riot that will get you arrested is well known. One does not get arrested in a riot for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    It went there with intent to commit violent crimes.
    It went there with a mask to avoid being identified, so it could hurt someone and get away with it.
    The animal should be reassigned to someone who does not intend to go and commit violent crimes and try to get away with it by deceit.

  9. C’mon, guys…she just wanted her TEDDY BEAR…she’s had him since she was a chi…oops, sorry! She still acts out like a child, screams bloody murder like a child…therefore, she IS a child (please reference the old ‘duck’ syllogism)!!!

  10. Charlie WalksonWater — I’m still chuckling over the eye patch and wooden leg…

    It looked completely rehearsed to me. She wouldn’t have said “Service *animal*” She would have said Service dog or whatever.

    Mostly, I found the whole thing — rehearsed or not — incredibly disturbing. She is mentally ill and should probably be taking something and having therapy. This whole antifa thing seems to be made up of and attracting seriously mentally ill people. That’s what we should be afraid of in all this. Anyone find out who the guy was who walked into a Clovis, NM library this afternoon and killed a couple people, and wounded others?

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