I thought Cops Had It Out, Exclusively, For Black People? – IOTW Report

I thought Cops Had It Out, Exclusively, For Black People?

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13 Comments on I thought Cops Had It Out, Exclusively, For Black People?

  1. Sooo … where are all the “cops are doing a tough job” crowd claiming that she “obviously” deserved to get smacked in the face while pinned to the ground by 2, 200 pounders?

    Cops will have immunity and the taxpayers will take it up the ass for these animals prowling the streets in uniform.

  2. According to the narrator in the video, she had stopped at some place to use the restroom and “her car alarm brought police”. However, the YouTube description says it was a seat belt violation. Take your pick. Either way, there was no reason for her to be treated that way.

  3. Hahn has said she and her two children were returning home from Legoland and had stopped to use a public restroom.

    Her car alarm was going off, which alerted police.

    Hahn said she complained about the officer’s language and he told her to get out of the car.

    That’s when officers allegedly took her to the ground.

    Hahn said in the suit that she was transported to a hospital where she suffered head and brain contusions.

  4. While many people love to tout how ‘racisssss’ cops are in reality cops are among the LEAST racist groups in America. Black, white, red, yellow, brown, green, purple……the color of your skin is totally irrelevant to the average cop. They will gladly and gleefully hand out a beat down to ANYONE of ANY race, creed, color, gender or religion at any time for the most minor of transgressions and at times even for doing ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING.

    Cops are the least racist of all….the most violent….but the least racist. They will kick the shit out of anyone at any time for any or no reason.

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