Icy G20 Moment: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Leaves Trudeau Hanging – IOTW Report

Icy G20 Moment: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Leaves Trudeau Hanging

Why? Because…

The guy who “saved” Trudeau by finally shaking his hand, is Jair Bolsonaro, the pro-Trump president of Brazil. When he was elected, Trudeau wouldn’t even say his name in a press release. What a phoney:
Canada issues terse statement after far-right candidate elected president of Brazil

17 Comments on Icy G20 Moment: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Leaves Trudeau Hanging

  1. This isn’t the first time that the 13 yr old from the great white north has been snubbed in these meetings. Nobody likes him and nobody respects him. LOL
    He’s the weird kid in 7th grade that would just jump in on conversations uninvited and then give a snort laugh.
    Bolsonaro is my kind of guy.

  2. Stuff like this only erodes whatever standing Trudeau has left at home. Only a few more months of this jackass and he’ll be gone. One of the only questions left is whether he’ll win his own seat in parliament and if so will continue to serve as an MP. I suspect that answer to the first will be yes while the second will be no. He’ll resign and go back to his career as bar bouncer and trust fund baby. I hate this guy more then I hated his father and that’s going some.

  3. Canada only got into the G7 at the behest of the United States in the first place. Their economy isn’t big enough to belong technically. Evan Australia isn’t a member. So Ann has it exactly correct it’s like daddy taking his son to work day.
    The punk is so out of place it’s embarrassing.
    He’s probably been reduced to holding peoples drinks and fetching napkins etc.

  4. Canada has hostages held by the Chinese under death sentences and the Chinese refuse to talk to him. Justine had to come groveling to Trump after insulting him as he’s the only one who can get them released. The Chinese refer to him as “little potato” haha what an insult.

  5. @Gin Blossom; The reason that Canada has two citizens hanging under a death sentence is because we honored an extradition request from the US to hold the SVP of Finance for Huwai (you know them, the ones taking over the phone and 5gl market) and daughter of the founder. While waiting for some procedural issues China arrested two Canadians and put them under a death sentence, cut all financial ties with Canada, cancelled the yearly soybean purchase, canceled all pork deliveries (using a douche excuse that they found two permits had been forged out of thousands), cancelled all beef products etc all the while demanding the release of the exec who is stuck in Vancouver and under surveillance and not allowed to leave the city. And we still won’t let her go until Justice has run it’s court, the US can prove a Prima Facie case against her or drop the extradition request (or she drops her opposition to extradition but that’s unlikely to happen as they seem as guilty as hell). I hate Trudeau with a passion but at least in this case he’s held his ground. As far as saving innocent citizens from death because his honoring a treaty there’s no doubt he’ll still look like a Jackass but at least this time it’s for a cause.

    By the way, Canada was added to the G7 because Gerald Ford was concerned that European members may outvote the US and he felt that in general Canada and the US agreed on far more things then they disagreed. In addition among the so called developed countries in the world that were eligible to enter upon it’s formation in 1975 Canada’s economy ranked something like 8th.

  6. If there ever was an example of a beta male, this guy is it.

    Obama is another classic example, but his media diaper did a decent job of covering that up while he and that beast he tows around infested the White House.


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