If Elected Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp(R-GA) Will ‘Track and Deport Criminal Illegals’ – IOTW Report

If Elected Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp(R-GA) Will ‘Track and Deport Criminal Illegals’

Breitbart: Brian Kemp on Immigration Plan if Elected Georgia Governor: I Will ‘Track and Deport Criminal Illegals’

Georgia Republican gubernatorial nominee Brian Kemp joined Breitbart News Radio on Saturday to discuss his opposition to his challenger’s radical socialist agenda.

Kemp’s Democrat challenger, Stacey Abrams, has embraced socialism and pushed to give illegal aliens voting privileges. Kemp shared his thoughts on this and said he will ensure that it does not happen.

“I don’t know if I can explain it. It’s against the constitution, and obviously against state law. Certainly, as Secretary of State, I am gonna make sure that doesn’t happen,” said Secretary Kemp. “It’s funny, the lawsuit they proposed or served us with, was asking for that, we pointed that out to them. They amended the complaint not to ask for that, so now they’re suing us over something we already do. So it’s just gotten ridiculous down here in Georgia.”

“She also wants to give free college to illegals, she wants to give a coveted HOPE scholarship, that Democrat Governor Zell Miller created, that has been great for the state of Georgia, to illegals as well,” said Kemp. “I think the longer the race goes on, the more people are understanding that she has an extreme agenda. She is being funded by socialist billionaires all over the country that are trying to change the values and the things that we hold dear in the state of Georgia.”

“Our voters are fired up and they’re really ready to get out and say no to this radical agenda and vote for somebody that’s going to put Georgians first ahead of this special interest, the status quo, the politically correct and the socialist billionaires from California and New York that are funding her campaign,” he added.

Kemp then spoke on illegal immigration and what he would do, as governor of Georgia, to work with President Trump to stop it.

“I fully support the president on securing the border,” said Kemp. “I have supported, from day one, David Purdue’s Raise Act to end chain migration.”

Kemp explained that he has solutions that could curb illegal immigration and violence in Georgia should he be elected governor.

“Illegal drug cartels that are here and also street gang violence are running rampant here in our state. People aren’t talking about it but I have talked to local prosecutors, local law enforcement, as well as state law enforcement officials about it,” said candidate Kemp. “I’ve got two plans to track and deport criminal illegals, these drug cartel members and then also go after, stop, and dismantle street gangs.”  MORE HERE

5 Comments on If Elected Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp(R-GA) Will ‘Track and Deport Criminal Illegals’

  1. Here in Tallahassee, we are constantly bombarded with commercials by the fat black bitch with the space in her teeth that would be great in watermelon seed spitting contests, not telling anything about her qualifications, but just criticizing this great man.
    Meanwhile, this on Drudge featured center where our corrupt commie mayor is daring to criticize our President.


    Please, people of Florida and Georgia, don’t try to do that “historic” vote – we all know how bad that worked out with the Kenyan.


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