If Illegals Are Protesting Trump, He’s My Guy – IOTW Report

If Illegals Are Protesting Trump, He’s My Guy

They’re not protesting the left, are they?

What does that tell you?

Video of cops beating back protestors with batons —->

14 Comments on If Illegals Are Protesting Trump, He’s My Guy

  1. Tear gas. And if that isn’t enough and it gets more violent, machine guns? Is that what George Soros and his money are aiming for? God protect Trump and the good citizens of this country.

  2. As soon as January 21st, illegals found protesting anything, anywhere in the U.S. are going to be escorted to the nearest ICE or HSA van and given a ride to the nearest deportation center. It will be the last free thing they get from us.

  3. Ain’t that the truth AA?

    “..in the shadows…” What a joke. Please point to any other country on earth where criminals can openly flaunt their law breaking and not just have no fear of justice but are actually celebrated.

    A couple wholesale arrests by ICE at one of these protests and we’ll see the end of that shit.

  4. If you look closely, you’ll notice that none of those protesters are waving the American Flag.. Document and deport them.. this way we’ll have a record so that we can deny them re-entry into our country. If they return.. load them onto a coast guard ship and drop them off 12 miles out to sea..

  5. Dart ’em like bears.
    Ship them off while they are hibernating
    Chip them all, so when they come back they set off alarms
    The second offense gets them shipped to Africa as ‘guest workers’

  6. Most of this is astroturf.
    There were Craigslist ads for paying positions for people that could help organize this protest.
    I am more interested in where the money for it came from than the predictable actions of the ‘rent a mob’. After all, here in CA we see them in action on a regular basis.

  7. Democrats acting like Democrats.

    “screw the first amendment” say the Democrats !
    “screw the second amendment” say the Democrats !
    “we want what is yours” say the Democrats !
    “screw America” say the Democrats !

  8. Amen.

    If the illegals are so against him, then how can we be against him?

    Isn’t it ironic that these fools so proudly wave the Mexican flag, but that nation has shat upon its people since its inception?

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