If Joe Biden Can’t Defend His Own Skin from the Sun, How Can He Defend America? – IOTW Report

If Joe Biden Can’t Defend His Own Skin from the Sun, How Can He Defend America?

President Joe Biden was photographed sporting a severe Irish sunburn prior to departing the Caribbean island of St. Croix, where the 81 year old was enjoying a week-long family vacation.

Picture here

21 Comments on If Joe Biden Can’t Defend His Own Skin from the Sun, How Can He Defend America?

  1. Amen SNS, as distressing as this evil entity is it is the judgment of the Lord God Almighty that faces him very soon.

    80+ years of of satanic self gratification of his flesh will result in an infinity of torment for his soul.

    It’s comforting to know that Bill, Hillezelbub, and Nazi Nan will also face that same divine judgement in the next decade…

  2. Concur with analysis above, he’s acclimating to his future home….

    I can still pray for his soul. No matter how far gone he may be it is not foregone.

    But schadenfreude. It’s a thing.

  3. Cisco Kid THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 2024, 13:36 AT 1:36 PM

    “It’s comforting to know that Bill, Hillezelbub, and Nazi Nan will also face that same divine judgement in the next decade…”

    …One of the eternal days in Hell, where the passage of time is only measured by the screaming of the damned and the only thing that ever changes is fresh torments, the devil for one of his jokes had the lava flow wash Mitch McConnell up next to Joe Biden, who continued eternally grinning smugly in his pain. Mitch was in the lava up to his chin, however, while Pedo Joe was only in it to his waist. Sputtering in agony and outrage, Mitch exclaimed to Pedo, “I did some pretty terrible things, that’s true, but nothing compared to the crap YOU did! Why do YOU get to be so much further out of the lava than I do?!?
    Grinning so hard his dentures fell out, he lisped “No joke, man, I’m standing on Jill’s shoulders”.

  4. Cynic
    THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 2024, 14:09 AT 2:09 PM
    “You’d think his face would be protected with his head up his ass all the time”

    …he has to pull it out to sniff kids.

    Lots and lots of kids.

    No consent requested.

    And the SS to ensure consent is not required.

  5. Dumbshit didnt understand how sand reflects UV rays upward and can cause a serious burn.. something I learned as a six year old when my family vacationed in Carlsbad

    And apparently “Dr Jill” didnt know either. Gee, what kind of doctor doesnt know how a sandy beach magnifies the effect of the sun’s UV rays. Especially on a person who has already had a case of skin cancer. And what about his Secret Service team?

    Good Lord, the more you think about this story, the more pathetic it gets

  6. Biden: Look at me folks. Y’see, when we talk about Global Boiling, we ain’t pullin’ your …uh…arm…er…foot…head…Jill…what?

    Jill: Your leg Joe, your leg.

    Joe: Looking down…what’s wrong with my leg?

  7. i’m going with the lazer plastic surgery….sunburn is just their cover story…..wait and see how “yootfull” he looks in two months….

    i can NOT stand these peoples….it’s very sad to see so many of us saying we’re glad we’re old, and not long for the world, so we won’t have to suffer what’s coming….it’s also sad to realize the young people won’t even recognize that they ARE suffering what’s coming, because it will be normal life for them…..we lost WWII after all, and never knew it til now…..sprechen sie deutsch?


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