“If Mexicans Voted 8-2 Republican, Chuck Schumer Would Be At The Border With the Minute Men” – Ann Coulter – IOTW Report

“If Mexicans Voted 8-2 Republican, Chuck Schumer Would Be At The Border With the Minute Men” – Ann Coulter

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“There are no good immigrants (post 1970)” – Ann Coulter

19 Comments on “If Mexicans Voted 8-2 Republican, Chuck Schumer Would Be At The Border With the Minute Men” – Ann Coulter

  1. I am not convinced that this issue has the same allure that it has in the past for Hispanics. Why the hell would America / law and order loving Hispanics who are legitimately here support liberal policies that expose them to the same carnage of illegal immigration. I have a flag-waving Mexican family next door (they put the US flag up every day) and I can tell you that they DO NOT support this lawlessness.

    Makes no since to me otherwise, and I think that the Democrats shouldn’t continue to count on overwhelming support.

  2. It’s getting real close, if we’re not there already, to say adios to the Republican party.

    Please show me 1 fucking conservative policy that our douchenozzle leadership(?) in Congress have supported.

    And yet they’re counting on us, once again, to march to the all clear siren from the Time Machine, into the voting booth and pull the lever for Jeb.

    I’m done eating RINO shit sammichs.

    Cruz(or Trump)/West 2016

  3. We had Republican-run House, Senate and presidency for about 6 years 2001 – 2007. The reason Dems took Congress in 2006 was because of the RINO-run government – voters simply chose ‘other than Republican’.
    Which is to say that we can never allow complacency.

  4. I live in Florida and I have to say you don’t know what you are talking about. But then again, it should be obvious from the fact that you reason about parties. Nobody else here cares about parties. We’re all about ideas and individuals. Also, your hate is showing. Why can’t you celebrate (political) diversity?

  5. kafir seems to be quite the troll…citing POLITICO?!?

    Uh huh. Gotcha.
    *rolls eyes*

    Poster is correct about Florida…sometimes purple, but very strong red parts.

  6. If he *did* go 3rd party, I wouldn’t vote for him.
    Were it a Clinton vs Bush thing, I’d write-in Cruz.

    I’d go 3rd Party only if it were with demonstrated Conservatives.

  7. The Democrats are channeling the spirit of LBJ, who signed the Civil Rights Act and thus guaranteed the black vote for decades to come. This is the same gambit – let the illegals in, and guarantee the hispanic vote for decades to come.

    Republican “leadership” may want to take a gander at what else happened in the 1960s. Although LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, it was passed through Congress by Republicans over spirited Democrat opposition. But virtually no one remembers that the Civil Rights Act became law as a result of Republican action – all they remember is that a Democrat signed it into law. Similarly, Republicans can ignore immigration reform and border control while thinking that this will guarantee hispanic support of Republicans, but all the illegal immigrants will remember is that Obama, a Democrat, was the President while this was happening.

    As an aside, how has voting Democrat benefited blacks? Not so much? The hispanics can look forward to the same “progress” as a part of the Democrat plantation as well – as long as they vote Democrat, the benefits will keep rolling in. Quit voting Democrat, and its “adios, suckers.”

  8. I hope I’m wrong czar. I’m from Colorado. Most of the state is red. Electoral votes are now solid blue. And they’re using that strategy in other states. Texas is the holy grail.

  9. Do you have to ask? If there’s a microphone, you know that Chucky Boy can’t be far away.

    His latest cause is to mandate that cars be equipped with breath sensors to prevent drunk driving. Apparently he’s not in favor of personal responsibility to prevent drunk driving. What nanny-government lib could possibly support such a preposterous idea?

    I just tune him out as soon as my internal bullshit sensor detects his voice.

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