If Trump said this stuff they’d hold impeachment hearings this afternoon – IOTW Report

If Trump said this stuff they’d hold impeachment hearings this afternoon

The double standard is thick-

JFK called Hitler ‘the stuff of legends’ after he visited Germany as a correspondent for Hearst Publications. He logged this in a personal diary that is up for auction.

He also said that Hitler had “boundless ambition for his country.”

Yet, when Trump said, sort of admiringly, “Putin has very strong control over his country,” the left lost its collective mind.

ht/ js

8 Comments on If Trump said this stuff they’d hold impeachment hearings this afternoon

  1. Right/left double standards hypocrisy game can’t be won. Lots of St John the Martyr’s positions would be rejected by today’s left if quoted without attribution. In the case of tax cuts, probably even with attribution.

  2. It’s a crazy, upside down world we are experiencing. Lies are truth, news is fake, wrong is right, socialism is good, a representative republic is bad, leftist riots good, white’s are privileged racists, global warming is the main threat to our existence, a nuclear Iran and N. Korea is acceptable, all muslims need is understanding and love, Koran is good, the Bible Bad, Illegal aliens and terrorists have more rights than citizens, Cities and States ignore federal laws, women acting like men, men acting like women, perverts parade in our streets, traitors are praised and the richest nation in the world is $20 trillion in debt and piling on more debt each hour.

    If it’s any consolation Jesus would not be allowed, let alone heard in many churches today. He would be too controversial, unwavering in His beliefs and out of the main stream of popular thought of many pastors and most people. Jesus would be crucified all over again.

    Lord, you are the foundation of this youthful experiment called the United States. Let your Light shine in this darkness.

  3. The left-wing is trying to win the outrage hypocrisy battle.

    The louder they screech, the more morally correct they are.

    The more they burn and suck-punch people, the more righteous indignation they think they have. The “VANILLA ISIS” leftist groups and the Black Lives Matter groups don’t realize they are just substituting violent WHITE HOODS for violent BLACK HOODS.

    More of the same.

  4. Would be a good troll for Trump. Go find some shit liberal hero’s have said and tweet them.

    “You know the one thing that’s wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say.”
    President William Clinton addressing the people of Philadelphia, May 28, 1993 in the Courtyard, City Hall, Philadelphia, PA.

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