Illegal Speaks Out At Press Conference About Being Illegal, Then Is Promptly Detained By ICE – IOTW Report

Illegal Speaks Out At Press Conference About Being Illegal, Then Is Promptly Detained By ICE

DC: An illegal immigrant decided to speak publicly at a news conference about her immigration status Wednesday. She was later detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

Daniela Vargas, 22, was detained in Jackson, Miss. shortly after speaking at the press conference, The Clarion-Ledger reports. Vargas, an Argentine national who arrived in the U.S. at age 7, was previously protected under President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Her DACA status, however, recently expired.

Vargas’ attorney Abby Peterson told The Clarion-Ledger that Vargas’ car was pulled over by ICE agents moments after the news conference, and they told her, “You know who we are, you know what we’re here for.”

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31 Comments on Illegal Speaks Out At Press Conference About Being Illegal, Then Is Promptly Detained By ICE

  1. I was hoping the same thing would happen at President Trump’s speech. The DildoCrats had been threatening to bring in/invite illegals to attempt to shame Trump over his immigration policy.
    And I was SO hoping to have some arrests made by ICE during or shortly after the speech. I never heard of any. Were any attests made?

  2. What a difference an election makes! When African Obutthole was Tsar ice would stop an illegal for the purpose of taking him/her to be feted at some democrat function!

  3. Remember how for eight years the libs were lamenting how these poor people have been forced to “live in the shadows”, but they weren’t? The times, they are a changing.

  4. Rat-person hoist on her own petard.

    Keep screaming: “Hey! Look at me! I’m an illegal rat-person eating your substance and defiling your country! And you’re too stupid to do anything about it!”

    Sooner or later, we’re gonna look …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. That’s one way to stop the grandstanding media events by people who whine about “living in the shadows”.

    Step out into the spotlight, Juan. We’ll be waiting backstage.

  6. I was hoping they would have cuffed those illegal “guests” at the Trump speach the other night. That would have caused a laughing fit that would have me hospitalized.

  7. The immigration-lawyer industry needs a good hard warning slap.

    Sessions’ DoJ needs to send a tough notice that lawyers are only permitted to advise illegal “clients” how to COMPLY with US law.

    Lawyers who are advocating La Raza/SJW disobedience are clearly obstructing justice. They need to be forcefully reminded that they swore an oath. They should face arrest, Federal criminal charges, massive career-ending fines, and permanent disbarment.

    There’s also a little used DoJ prerogative that needs to be wielded. The DoJ can revoke/deny any individual lawyer’s admittance to practice law in any Federal court. That’s a career-ender in itself. And it can be done with the stroke of a pen.

    Hit the kitchen lights. Send the cockroach immigration lawyers fleeing back into the cracks.

  8. Next, we need a strong ICE presence at all these demonstrations where the Mexican flag is being waived. Start rounding up the protestors, and the protests will magically stop.

  9. First the demonrats turned the spot light on themselves during the Trump speech, now they’ve turned the spot light on the illegals “in the shadows”. Not the spot light is showing the way to the deportation bus. Sweet.

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