Illinois Rep: Put Serial Numbers on Bullets to Fight Chicago Gun Violence – IOTW Report

Illinois Rep: Put Serial Numbers on Bullets to Fight Chicago Gun Violence

Breitbart: Illinois state representative Sonya Harper (D-6th) is pushing to require serial numbers on all bullets sold in the state as a way to fight gun violence in Chicago.

She introduced the measure on Tuesday.

According to Fox 32, Harper said, “We just want to know how the guns and the bullets are getting into the hands of our youth and causing senseless harm and murder on our streets.” Her measure would require a unique number on all bullet casings and the base of the bullet itself, so police could theoretically run numbers of recovered bullets/casings to figure out where the ammunition was sold. Officers would then go to the retailer to find out who purchased the ammunition.  MORE

28 Comments on Illinois Rep: Put Serial Numbers on Bullets to Fight Chicago Gun Violence

  1. also
    I believe it was Maryland that tried to create a data base, after millions of dollars being spent and a backlog of fired brass piled to the ceiling, it was quietly abandoned.
    If they would just enforce the current laws, but Nooo, they want new laws they think law-abiding citizens will obey.
    “To hell with the 2nd amendment, it makes me feel like I did something.” – Progs everywhere

  2. Forget serial numbers, just put their name and address on each bullet along with their SSN and place of employment and what school they attend plus which church they attend as well as a copy of their last tax statement. That would be quicker than some silly serial #.

  3. You shouldn’t be allowed to be a legislator without a license to legislate. The license should be “may issue” by a random selection of eligible voters in the particular jurisdiction. A panel size of 1,000 or so would work for me, and their decision to issue would have to be unanimous.

  4. Sure it’s the bullet’s fault, not the thug with a stolen gun filled with bullets – intentional stupidity.
    DemocRats are trying to do everything they can to destroy the 2nd Amendment.

  5. So if a thug uses a stolen gun that already contained ammo, would the victim of the theft get arrested and/or sued for letting it get stolen? And if the thug actually bought his own ammo, might he scratch the serial numbers off?

  6. Truth be told, they actually tried that.
    Didn’t work, next.

    @ OpenTheDoor

    Apples and Oranges. Your link does not apply in this instance.

    Your link is about stamping the primers with a customized micro-engraved firing pin installed on your gun. Your customized firing pin striking the primer to put it there. The info at that link tells the truth about how that is a failure.

    Here, they are suggesting having the bullets and the casings themselves serialized at the factory – like the guns are now. Nothing to do with having your firing pin putting them on the primer.

    Different altogether.

  7. @ Open

    P.S. Although it is unlike that previous attempt. It is a failure just the same.

    Finding the original owner will not solve any crimes.

    Another failure the tyrants have thought of is using tags in the gunpowder like commercial explosives have. After a while you just have a lot of tags in the environment telling you nothing.

  8. I’m waiting for the micro dots like they have in civilian tasers. When the
    gun is fired micro dots exit the cartridge. Each gun owner has their own
    micro number. 1000 per cartridge

  9. Committee assignments: Environment; Elem Sec Ed School Curricu Policies; Economic Development & Housing; Renewable Energy & Sustainability; Restorative Justice.

    Restorative justice?

  10. “And if the thug actually bought his own ammo, might he scratch the serial numbers off? ”

    Unpossible! No one would ever think of that! Including disassembling the cartridge and scraping the number off the bullet! How could anyone ever come up with that idea?

    Don’t you know liberals are jeenyusses?

  11. Not to change the subject but there was a New Jersey Rep. who wanted a law outlawing soft fried eggs, like eggs over light.
    No. I’m not making it up.. We live in a kakistocracy. (sp?)

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