I’m Going to New Hampshire – IOTW Report

I’m Going to New Hampshire

You might remember that in December, I traveled to New Hampshire to cover four town halls: those of Jeb Bush, Lidsey Graham, Chris Christie, and Ben Carson. Well, with the race heating up, I’m going to New Hampshire to again.

I’ll be live-blogging Saturday’s GOP debate from a hotel in northern Massachusetts, then Sunday morning I’ll be eating pancakes with Marco Rubio (I’m not kidding) and then I’ll see Ted Cruz a couple of hours later.

BFH suggested I talk to supporters at each event to get their feelings on the race. Do you have any suggestions about my reporting? What would make you like to see that I didn’t do the last time I reported on town halls?

46 Comments on I’m Going to New Hampshire

  1. Yes, as I said to you in an email, I’m interested in hearing what negatives people have about the various candidates.
    I’m interested in hearing what narratives and stains have stuck to them.

  2. I see you’re not going to bother standing in line with a few thousand others to see the frontrunner. To bad you can’t interview those “pissed off” Americans who wouldn’t cross the street to listen to a back stabbing, lying, miserable pancake eating, amnesty loving, Mitch McConnell loving, Cuban douche-nozzle. Can’t wait for the positive feedback.

  3. Wow, forget Rubio and Trump and the also rans you get to meet with the winner of the ‘Iowa Caucus’ Ted Cruz! A lifetime of memories will accompany you thereafter. The winner of the Iowa caucus imagine that!

  4. On any of the candidates, I want to know where they think the constitution stands in our day and age and what they personally have done to stand up for it, promote it and protect it.

    So far, I know from the past that Trump doesn’t think we have private property rights.
    Rubio does not think we have a border.
    Christie does not think we have a right to own a gun.
    Jebb is an idiot (he just is).
    Cruz is supposed to be an expert on the constitution – what can he do to make the constitution the law of the land again?

    Except for Jeb, that is just what I would like to know.

  5. If you can ask a candidate something, ask them this.

    Ask them what is the BEST single way to make an economy thrive, and what they would do about it.

    Ask them if the federal gov is too large, and if they think it is, what will they do about it.

    Also, ask them to stop pissing on us and saying its rain. . .

  6. Please ask Ted Cruz “As a son of a preacher and a Christian Conservative, why would you throw your whole moral compass away and cheat to win?” And is this what to expect in the White House?
    Ohhh – I forgot he’s a lawyer.

  7. Tell Cruz we’re learning a lot about them just watching this caucus process and seeing more than they think we do. I had thought seriously of deciding on Cruz, but after the sleazeball way he and his team treated Dr. Ben Carson, I’m looking elsewhere. That’s the behavior he would be taking into the Oval Office? No thanks. We’ve already got that flavor.

  8. That’s crap and you know it. But to be fair, Let’s say Cruz lied his ass off. Now ask Trump why he said Cruz was definitely eligible until he got ahead in the polls. Ask him why he loved Cruz until he got ahead in the polls and then called him a nasty guy that nobody likes. Trump makes his living lying, and even he admits that, you don’t need to do it for him.

  9. With the moslem invasion currently occuring in Europe, and the anticipated 100,000 plus “refugees” planned for coming here, ask the candidates what they plan on doing about them? Put them up in swanky hotels while our homeless vets die in the streets?

  10. But, but, but he won the Iowa caucus. He spent millions of dollars getting eight delegates. what a miracle worker he is. Everything else is chump change in comparison to winning the indispensable, crown jewel of Presidential politics the Iowa Caucus. He will go down in history along with Santorum and Huckabee as winners of that perfect piece of nirvana the Iowa Caucus! Jeopardy question in 2017: what long forgotten soul won the Iowa Caucus in 2016? Answer: Who is Ted Cruz!

  11. I am sorry if this corrupts Aurelius’s post, but I think a response is required.

    Cruz stole Iowa from Trump according to Trump. Cruz did it by lying about Ben Carson dropping out of the race after Iowa. That lie caused Trump voters to vote for Cruz.

    Who came up with this crap? Bernie’s expert economist?

  12. Redire are you math challenged or WTF. If Preacher Boy steals votes and the add to his total and he eclipses his competition, that’s cheating. He doesn’t need to steal votes from Trump to add to his total. WTF?

  13. Carson outperformed the polls by almost 2 points. Rubio outperformed the polls by over 6 points. Cruz outperformed the polls by about 4 points. Trump under performed the polls by about 4 points.

    Who did Cruz steal the votes from?

    Trump skipped the last debate, in Iowa. And it is Cruz’s fault?

  14. Out performed poll numbers. So we should limit votes for candidates based on poll numbers? Carson has said all along he expected to drastically out perform the poll numbers. Cruz is polling 24 points behind Trump in New Hampshire. That’s all he’s allowed.

  15. If elected as President, can you and will you work with Congress?
    Why do you believe you can do so?

    (Personally, I like the separation of powers and checks and balances in our Constitution. Obama is petulant, and many memberrs of Congress, including Democrats, have complained about the lack of cooperation and communication between Obama and Congress. Besides, we are electing a President and not a dictator – if a candidate will not or cannot work with Congress, his agenda is practically dead in the water.)

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