Indian restaurant fined for trying to hire an Indian waiter – IOTW Report

Indian restaurant fined for trying to hire an Indian waiter

facepalm indian

The 6-Indian Facepalm

NYPost- An Indian waiter in an Indian restaurant — imagine that!

City bureaucrats slapped a $5,000 fine on a Midtown Indian restaurant for trying to hire a server who is Indian, according to official documents.

Following an inquiry by The Post, the city’s Commission on Human Rights — which cited the eatery two years ago — said it’s assessing its practices.

Commission staffers have been trawling Craigslist to ensnare unwary restaurant owners who violate the law for things like seeking a “waitress” instead of a “wait-person.”

That’s gender discrimination by the city’s reckoning and could lead to a four-figure fine.  More

6 Comments on Indian restaurant fined for trying to hire an Indian waiter

  1. Well… it sure pays better than parking tickets and fire code violations. Plus, city inspectors can troll Craig’s List and never move their fat asses outside to the hot pavement or into dingy cellars.

    Besides, who needs Cherokee or Sioux waiters when you can get some girl with big hair, 4-inch nails and 96 silver bracelets from Queens.

  2. Should have gone the H1-B visa route (thereby greasing the appropriate government palms) and hired direct from India. The resulting Salmonella is a weight loss bonus.

  3. I wonder if the now defunct restaurant owner paid the fine, of if he told the judge to “eff” off? Really, judge, you going to enforce a fine on a restaurant that never acted on its ad, and is now closed?
    (see 6 Indian facepalm above)

  4. this Leftist PC bullshit has got to stop…NOW. We normal americans have to start pushing back against this fascism. What’s next, Moslems bitching about Piggly Wiggly because it offends them? Race-card hustlers demanding extortion money money from Winn Dixie because “dixie” is raciss? BULLSHIT!!

    After hearing some dumbass at my crib complex pool saying shit about the Confederate Flag I decided it was time to re-up my Man Card. My pair of Confederate Flag boardshorts arrive today from I will model them at the pool tonite along with my six pack of Miller High Life

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