UPDATE: Inevitable – Naked Hillary Statue Pops Up in NY – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Inevitable – Naked Hillary Statue Pops Up in NY

Some Hillary supporting woman has decided the sculpture was obscene, so she throws it to the ground.

When the artist tries to save it the cow sits on it.screen-shot-2016-10-18-at-8-44-39-pm


39 Comments on UPDATE: Inevitable – Naked Hillary Statue Pops Up in NY

  1. if I’m the artist, I’m suing the tub-a-lard for vandalism & violation of Free Speech
    … & in the suit I’d say, “If you wanted to sit on illary’s face, why don’t you just ask her for a date?”

  2. $75 and a scrappy street artist provoke a Hillary supporter to make an ass of herself.

    That would cost Hillary about $75,000 in rent-a-mob to duplicate. But I guess the free wall-to-wall MSM coverage would make it worth it.

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