IOTW University Bans Blacks To Create Welcoming Spaces For Chinese Immigrant Students Who Never Encountered Black People Before – IOTW Report

IOTW University Bans Blacks To Create Welcoming Spaces For Chinese Immigrant Students Who Never Encountered Black People Before

Officials in a taxpayer-funded University have banned black people — and, it seems, any trace of black culture and traditions — because “images and artifacts” “like kinky hair” create insufficiently “inclusive and welcoming spaces” for Chinese students who have never been around black people before.

“We merely need to create inclusive and welcoming spaces,” said school chancellor B.F. Hat, “and realize that our Chinese students — because of their culture, or other beliefs — do not feel comfortable (and in many cases may not be allowed by their parents) being around certain activities that are black culture-based or non-Chinese in nature, or being surrounded by imagery that is a direct affront to them.”

“This is but a first step. We’re starting with the blacks, next year it will be the Mexicans and latinos. The year after that, the whites, and that is when I will have to go. Eventually IOTW University will be totally Chinese and we will have met our goal of not offending the Chinese by not being Chinese.”

See the rest of the story HERE

(Apologies to Eric Owens)


23 Comments on IOTW University Bans Blacks To Create Welcoming Spaces For Chinese Immigrant Students Who Never Encountered Black People Before

  1. On the admission application form, I was asked to check one from column A, one from column B and one from column C. If you ban blacks, latinos and Mexicans, my choices are limited to essentially choosing the only one from Column A.

    In addition, I lost my admission ticket, and when I called I was told “no tickee, no admittee.” So screw you, IOTW University – I’ll get my laundry services/take out degree elsewhere.

  2. But i like Pork Fried rice! With lots of soy sauce and MGMs!

    an l’il chinese girls … well … y’know …

    cna I be a perfesser? I cud perfess sum ting! Get it? Sum ting? (thas chinese for an abreviated alliterational ty quon do!)

  3. As a knee-jerk liberal, I’m not normally offended by knees and jerks, as long as they’re not Conservative knees and jerks, in which case my knees start jerking like a spastic.

  4. “…However, an unspecified number of unnamed people “have shared concerns about not feeling welcome…”

    “unspecified number” – is that the same as “the overwhelming majority of Americans” that the libs routinely quote as supporting their policies? The same overwhelming majority of Americans that have voted democrats out of office at all levels of government?

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