Iraqi sex slave victim blows up ISIS commander – IOTW Report

Iraqi sex slave victim blows up ISIS commander

‘killed by captured Iraqi woman’ forced to act as a sex slave.

iraqi woman

22 Comments on Iraqi sex slave victim blows up ISIS commander

  1. For those of us keeping score, are there criminal acts that are NOT sanctioned by their ‘religion’ ? That is, can any muslim be a ‘fanatical’ muslim?
    Doesn’t every barbarian hold a “Get Out Of Jail” card because… Allah?

  2. Sadly, there are only a few of us who know who Charles Martel was. My nephew even named his M1 Abrams ‘Charles Martel’ and got away with it for about 6 months in Iraq before a “journalist” from France ratted him out to the Army PIO. He changed it to the English, “Chucky Da Hamma”, street lingo for “Charles Martel”.

  3. The only “radical” Muslim – according to their own holy book – is one who co-exists with non-muslims. In fact, the Koran considers them apostates and looks on them not much better than we infidels.

    ISIS is the embodiment of old-time Islam as founded by the insane epileptic, Mohammad, and his band of thugs and brigands.

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