Is That The Asian Runner’s Name or an Accusation? – IOTW Report

Is That The Asian Runner’s Name or an Accusation?

South African runner, Caster Semenya, has a “condition” that gives her 3 times the amount of testosterone as a woman. She practically jogs while the other women strain to keep up.


I have no idea what testosterone is supposed to do for a woman? Does it make them more like a man? What kind of edge is that? Feminists will tell us that women can do anything a man can do, and proponents of genderqueer whatever say there is no difference between a man and a woman and they are interchangeable, yada yada yada.

Testosterone seems to beg to differ. Olympic records seem to beg to differ. The fact that there are no women in men’s professional sports begs to differ.

Men and women are different. Period. And Caster is a dude that probably had his junk gnawed off by the family pig while he was sleeping, or some other such South African kinda thing, and was raised as a girl- I’m thinking.

There’s something not quite right about this lady.


39 Comments on Is That The Asian Runner’s Name or an Accusation?

  1. Will the feminists go to war with the LBGTEIEIO’s if a man wants to play in the WNBA or on the women’s tennis circuit or in the LPGA? Will they think it’s fair or an attack on the sisterhood?
    I love seeing lib groups go after each other.

  2. This creature has no womb or ovaries and has internal testes. It is a hermaphrodite. I don’t know whether it has an XX or XY genotype, but the thing definitely isn’t a female. It should not be allowed to compete against the women.

  3. Saw this person race.
    Runs like a man, has shoulders and hips of a man, in total contrast to the women running around HIM.
    If HE is female, then so is Michael Robinson. pppfffftttsttwbtt! (spit take)

  4. If the libs really want to find out if men and women are different, hold the Olympics but collapse all male and female categories into just their sport–so no men’s and women’s swimming, just swimming. Katie Ledecky is fantastic, but she wouldn’t get near a podium. None of the women would.

  5. “I’ll Be Seeing You” by Sinatra comes to mind:
    “I’ll be Semenya in all the old familiar places, that this heart of mine embraces all day through. At the finish line, your legs not crossed like mine, that ponderous bulge that I see sway, are you a man to run that way?
    And I’ll be seeing you in every lovely summer’s day, in everything that’s light and gay, I’ll always think of you that way. Yuck.

  6. It’s a man….

    Testosterone is a hormone, i.e. a chemical messenger, that is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, although females also produce testosterone, albeit usually in smaller amounts. A type of androgen, testosterone is produced mostly by the testes/testicles in cells called the Leydig cells.

  7. It is not a “given” that everyone who wants to be an Olympic athlete gets to be one. To exclude this person because he or she has ambiguous gender is no more unfair than excluding me because of my particular physical conditions, i.e. old and fat.

  8. Wang is looking at Semeninya and thinking WTF? My name is Wang, but that bitch has one!

    “…has a “condition” that gives her 3 times the amount of testosterone as a woman.”
    That’s called BEING A DUDE!

  9. Er, that ‘lady’ has all of the physical characteristics of the male body. ‘Her’ hips, shoulders, thighs, calves AND hands all are exactly the same solid, large, more bulky size that a man has. No way that this person isn’t a transgendered one. I call foul. Let’s let a transgender ‘Man’ compete in the mens floor routine in the next Olympics, see how ‘fair’ it is then. /absolute bullsh-t.

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