Is Trump the Most Fun President Ever? – IOTW Report

Is Trump the Most Fun President Ever?

AT: If you’ve been fed up with the left’s hijacking of America, he certainly is fun — because bit by bit he’s dismantling their power, supply train, and prestige. The shaky premises upon which they’ve controlled life in America for some time is being exposed and overturned. Let me explain.

Here comes the Judge

This week the Supreme Court by 5-4 majorities upset three linchpins of leftwing rule in America:

On Tuesday the Supreme Court released its opinions in Trump v. Hawaii and National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra.

On Wednesday morning the Supreme Court released its final opinions from October Term 2017, in Janus v. AFSCME and Florida v. Georgia.

On Wednesday afternoon Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court.

In the first case, the Court ruled it was within the power of the President to suspend entry of aliens to the United States. Something obvious from the clear text of the relevant law.  The self-styled “wise Latina.” Justice Sotomayor made a ridiculous comparison to the internment of the Japanese-Americans by FDR, which was batted away as the inapt comparison it is. As significant as the Court’s adherence to the text of the relevant law is, Justice Thomas’s observation that District Court issuance of nationwide injunctions (a practice begun in 1963) is based on dubious legal authority. Moreover, Thomas said, “Nationwide injunctions mean that each of the more than 600 federal district judges in the United States can freeze a law or regulation throughout the country — regardless of whether the other 599 disagree.” As Ben Weingarten details in the Federalist, he’s opening the door to more SCOTUS scrutiny of such injunctions, and a disarming of a regularly used tool of the Resistance.  more here

8 Comments on Is Trump the Most Fun President Ever?

  1. yesterday, while attending a local watering hole & entertained by a favorite local band that does very good covers of most 60’s thru 90’s bands, I happened to be sitting next to a very ‘progressive’ acquaintance mine (for over 30 years) that just couldn’t wait to show me, & anyone else at our table, a recent pic on her IPhone, of her & Buckethead Joe Biden hugging at a recent demonRat primary event. The first thing I asked is, “Where are his hands?” … as I passed the pic on to the rest of the table, every one of the observers (& there was more than a few demtards) said the same thing, “Where are his hands? … Duh, they’re on her ass!”

  2. DJT POTUS is not only the most FUN in my lifetime (Ronnie was funnie..) BUT maybe the one of the smartest and more WISE and sober ones…

    FUN = Queens builder tell it like it is…Kick ass.

    The Swamp has no idea what to do…or what it is in for.


  3. Trump is without question MY FAVORITE PRSIDENT in my lifetime. I was a young man when Reagan was president, and I liked the heck out of him, but Trump wins the prize! He is great!

  4. ghost of col j glover,

    If we think about it, Trump is turning the Swamp against itself.

    Probably the only instance ever of Hillary Clinton actually telling the truth was when she was reported as saying, “If I go down, I’ll take over 80% of Washington DC down with me”.

    My personal favorite was when she said, “If Trump gets elected we’ll all be swinging from nooses. Fix this shit NOW!”.

    Prophetic, isn’t she?

  5. I was just entering the workforce back in the 80’s when good ole boy uncle Ronnie started the exodus of american manufacturers with his idiotic “pacific rim initiative” which not only encouraged companies to chase slave-labor all over Asia but also gave those same companies a sweetheart deal of allowing them to bring their cheap toxic crap back into the USA tax, tariff, and duty free so as to undercut the competition that decided to remain within CONUS.
    It was the forerunner of NAFTA and I got to live through our electronics industries then manufacturing industries leaving the nation and letting citizens fend for themselves with the wrecks they left behind in favor of overseas profits.

    DJT is the ONLY president in my lifetime that has consistently looked out for the little guy as well as kept almost every promise made to the american people within the FIRST 2 years of his FIRST term in office.… no other president has done that EVER!

    It truly is a great time to be alive to witness so much winning for the little guy and to see the anti-American losers that have been slowly creeping their way into power being exposed for the traitors that they are.


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