ISIS Threatens Pope, Marks Italy As Next Target – IOTW Report

ISIS Threatens Pope, Marks Italy As Next Target

DC: Vatican officials warned Saturday that a pro-ISIS jihadist video and text messages threatened Pope Francis and marked Italy as the Islamic State’s next target.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, secretary of state and second highest official of the Holy See, said that the latest video clearly marked Francis as a target, according to The Associated Press. The video depicted jihadists destroying various Catholic icons, a man ripping a poster of Francis in half, and a terrorist saying “We will have our vengeance …We will arrive in Rome,” according to Crux Now.

Parolin said that while the Vatican already has strong security measures in place, the video was nonetheless troubling.

“Obviously, one cannot help but worry, above all for the senseless hatred that it is,” Parolin said.

Jihadists filmed the video ‘The Islamic State – Inside the Caliphate” in the Philippines and used the ISIS-affiliated company al-Hayat to distribute it.  MORE

40 Comments on ISIS Threatens Pope, Marks Italy As Next Target

  1. The Pope has been kissing muslim asses for quite a while now. Washing their feet, allowing them sanctuary in Vatican City, well, now it looks like he’s going to get his reward.

    Personally, I hope they get him…

  2. Didn’t this poop, I mean pope, say that Islam is the same as Christianity? He had some type of meeting (prayer service?) a while back merging the two faiths.

    He can’t cry now that they turned out to be exactly who they have said they were from the start. God will not be mocked.

  3. You can have him. We’re sick of the communist jerkoff lecturing us on how we need to take in more illiterate, diseased foreign workers who take the food off of the table of hard working American families or suckle onto the teat of our public welfare system and freeload off of the taxpayers they actually despise while he hides in a fortress surrounded by an army of bodyguards.

  4. @Wyatt, Big Al, I’d be more than happy to wave arrivederci to Poppy from whatever circumstance but I think the Card College would just vote in another globalist. The Vatican knows which side their bread is buttered. I have zero confidence they’ll choose a rabid protector of the faith. If the jihadis get whatshisface the next guy will just have a better head for security, that’s all.

  5. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk August 28, 2017 at 9:33 am

    Not unless they kill Francis and Benedict. And hide in the bushes until the entire College of Cardinals convenes to pick a successor, and they kill all of them. Then, maybe.

  6. Sadly, immigration is now big business and Catholic Charities is knee deep in it. Follow the money and you will always find the true motive. I wouldn’t mind so much if they made an attempt to convert the Muslims from barbarism to Christianity, but they don’t even try, and instead celebrate the evil religion as just another faith on moral par with Christianity. After 1400 years the Vatican should know better. Time to stop the cash for savages program.

  7. “ISIS Threatens Pope, Marks Italy As Next Target”

    I hope they succeed in taking him out. He’s a damn Marxist Jesuit, non-Pope anyways.

    The Pope is not a good person representing Christianity like some are led to believe.

  8. @Anon, what are you talking about? The Goje just got to a point in his rant where your comment dovetailed in and saved me some skin on my pecking fingers so I tossed it back your way. From my seat youa got no culpa O Nameless One.

  9. Belay my last. That was from the service animal chick article I had open in another tab and I conflated it with this one, sorry. Multiple tabs is dangerous in a no-edit world. @Anon, it appears we all often end up saying the same/similar things in our own styles. Affirmation sometimes helps us get though the day. Still don’t understand what you are apologizing for. Your scenario took out poppy AND the College of Cardinals. I’m ok with your level of imagination and detail.

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