Israel Reportedly Withdrawing From Joint Military Exercise With United States – IOTW Report

Israel Reportedly Withdrawing From Joint Military Exercise With United States

The Algemeiner-

Israel has refused far-reaching proposals from the United States for American-Israeli security cooperation as part of a major joint exercise to be held in Israel in early 2016, Israel’s NRG reported on Friday. The report comes as tensions between the U.S. and Israel have escalated over the recent nuclear deal with Iran.

The joint strategic exercise, code named “Juniper Cobra 16,” is scheduled for the beginning of 2016, and should include wide-ranging cooperation, such as the testing of a missile defense system that will be based on American capabilities.



16 Comments on Israel Reportedly Withdrawing From Joint Military Exercise With United States

  1. Why should Israel trust our corrupt government? They are probably worried that Obama will find out how prepared they are to attack Iran and tattle on them. Obama would do that, you know.

  2. Why would you discuss and militarily test security issues with someone who just guaranteed your enemy’s objective to eradicate you? What next–DOD and State announcing that we’ve agreed to enter into a mutual non-aggression pact with Moscow and Beijing and have agreed to share our encryption keys as a sign of good faith?

  3. If people today honestly can’t see the parallels in the current world geo-political situation with the prelude to WWII, both in tensions, arming, anti-semitism, sabre rattling etc., I really can’t help you…only this time we’re dealing with nukes…what could possibly go wrong?

    Time to buy some more ammo.

  4. What’s scary to me is how completely the Leftist/Democrat corruption has penetrated into our government without a peep from any whistleblowers – military, FBI, IRS, Justice Dept,, VA, EPA, etc., etc.

  5. Israel has never trusted us with their security. They have availed themselves of anything they could get from us, by any means, to help themselves.

    And I don’t blame them a bit. Hells Bells, look where they are.

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