Jack Smith Suddenly Slow Walking His Case Against President Trump – IOTW Report

Jack Smith Suddenly Slow Walking His Case Against President Trump

Jonathan Turley

Only hours after receiving the mandate [from SCOTUS], Judge Chutkin scheduled an Aug. 16 conference to lay out the schedule and issues going forward. The former version of Jack Smith would have been delighted. He did not even see the need for the right for an en banc appeal in previously pushing for a pre-election trial.

Now, however, Smith is telling Judge Chutkin to slow down already.

Smith told the court that “The Government continues to assess the new precedent set forth last month in the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. United States. Although those consultations are well underway, the Government has not finalized its position on the most appropriate schedule for the parties to brief issues related to the decision.”

He has asked for a three-week delay to further consider what he wants to do. It is not clear if the press and pundits will now charge Smith with “slow walking” the case. More

7 Comments on Jack Smith Suddenly Slow Walking His Case Against President Trump

  1. I don’t think it’s “slow walking” as much as it is desperation. Jack & team haven’t yet found a satisfactory number of legal loopholes to beat President Trump over the head with. Plus, the presidential legal landscape is new and they haven’t figured out the legal language to say that President Trump was acting outside the official responsibilities of his office when he was acting within the official responsibilities of his office.

    Yeah, that’s a mixed metaphor. So sue me!

  2. He’s hoping the next assassination attempt is successful and makes his sham prosecution a moot point. Ant to Uncle Al’s point, yes, he’s desperate and would Walz away from the whole thing if he could.

  3. This is just the first of many CYA backpedeling maneuvers coming from Jackal Smith.

    Everyone in DC knows the score. Merchan will recuse and Chutkan will bail.

    They are all swamp rats out for self preservation now, running for the exits…


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