Jackson Will Not Be Returning To His Old Job As Trump’s Doctor – IOTW Report

Jackson Will Not Be Returning To His Old Job As Trump’s Doctor

DC: Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson will not be returning to his old post as President Donald Trump’s personal physician.

The Navy officer who took over for Jackson as Trump’s personal doctor, Sean Conley, will continue serving the president, according to Politico.

Jackson dropped his bid to become the next secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) this week after Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana released a two-page document detailing serious allegations that Jackson excessively drank on the job, over-prescribed medication and ran a hostile work environment.

Jackson has repeatedly denied the claims, but his decision to bow out before undergoing a Senate confirmation hearing raises some eyebrows.  more

SNIP: “Raises some eyebrows”? The uniparty already decided he was guilty- why would Jackson bother to go through with the confirmation hearing?

6 Comments on Jackson Will Not Be Returning To His Old Job As Trump’s Doctor

  1. Think about this… if members of Congress will lie to block Trump’s nominations and false flags are continually hoisted upon the population, how much longer can America remain a free nation?

    I don’t think we’ll have to wait much longer for the answer.


  2. I can’t say that I blame Dr. Jackson. After I had been lied about, maligned and slimed by a sitting congressman I would be fairly pissed too. I would surely invite the accusers to take a short journey and attempt a physically impossible sexual feat. Then I may well sue for defamation of character.

  3. Sausagefinger Tester, your time in the Senate is short. There’s some pretty sharp conservatives vying to kick your fat ass.

    Oh well, you can always go to work at Krispy Kreme.


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