Japan Budgets to Help Firms Pull Manufacturing Out of China – IOTW Report

Japan Budgets to Help Firms Pull Manufacturing Out of China

PJ Media- Coronavirus is causing Japan to reconsider depending on China for its supply and manufacturing base, reports the Japan Times.

Japan has earmarked ¥243.5 billion of its record economic support package to help manufacturers shift production out of China as the coronavirus pandemic disrupts supply chains between the major trading partners.

The extra budget, compiled to offset the devastating effects of the pandemic, includes ¥220 billion for companies shifting production back to Japan and ¥23.5 billion for those seeking to move production to other countries, according to details posted online.

It’s not a huge amount of money yet but the trend it bucks is important. Japan’s relationship with China has gotten complicated over the past few years. They’re longtime rivals but China has made itself Japan’s top trade partner while, at the same time, threatening Japan’s sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands just this week. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has sought warmer relations with China despite this. But the pandemic is forcing his hand. It’s unwise for any nation to depend on communist China too much for anything, given its habit of lying about important things. read more

8 Comments on Japan Budgets to Help Firms Pull Manufacturing Out of China

  1. We need to do the same as it would have a twofold effect. It would bring our production power back where it belongs and also start starving China of the money that has strengthened there military. They’re becoming to big for their britches.

  2. Lets hope that Carrier corp. stops using Chinese Parts.
    U to York, lennox, Trane.

    Turdeau gave $890Million to that Chinese lab that lied or may be responsible. Source; youtube, Rebel Media, shiela gunn reid.

    look it up and forward it.

  3. If we (the US) can’t/won’t give money directly to the companies that want to relocate back to the US, then at least we (US) can give tax credit/”holiday” for a period of time.

  4. When a vacuum is created, someone steps in to fill it.
    That is exactly what is happening here and Japan has the motivation to take back a lot of the manufacturing they lost to the Chicoms.


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