Jeb!: We’re ‘going to miss’ Boehner – IOTW Report

Jeb!: We’re ‘going to miss’ Boehner

jeb bush dem

TheHill: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) says Americans will miss outgoing Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

“I admire John Boehner greatly, he’s a great public servant,” the GOP presidential candidate said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“He left at the apex of his time in service to the country with the pope speaking in Congress. I think people are going to miss him in the long run because he’s a person that is focused on solving problems.”  read more

22 Comments on Jeb!: We’re ‘going to miss’ Boehner

  1. Bonher a person who focused on fixing problems? What problems did he fix? Do we still have Obamacare? Is PP still going to get its money? Has the Constitution been defended from our Dictator in Chief? Illegal immigration? Crushing debt load? Abolishment of the EPA and Dept of Education? IRS tyranny? Weakening of the military? ETC ETC ETC?????

    Not unless Jeb means fixing problems so that Demorats get away scot free from their crimes and misdemeanors? Then that would make sense.

  2. Showing poor judgement, poor analytical skills, and locality to the R establishment is not the way to rise in the polls. Heck, even some of the R establishment types are starting to wake up to the fact that the approval of Trump, Carson, and Fiorina shows the R base is going to abandon the R party if they don’t change. Boehner is leaving, and McConnell maybe be next – calls-for-mcconnells-ouster/ .

    Jeb remains to low energy to figure out the reality of the mood of the betrayed voters who gave the Rs the majority in the last two elections. Removing Boehner & McConnell won’t be enough to make me vote for Jeb.

  3. I think I’ll miss him about like a hemorrhoid.
    I was thinking that since John had a moment of clarity to resign, the Pope should of hung around for the other 500 or so that need to go away, maybe they’d have some clarity?

  4. Graham and McCain should too, but I don’t think they’d go quietly either.

    Something’s up with Boehner… I think he’s got some kind of cushy job lined up or he’s going to manage one of the rinos’ campaigns. I’m suspicious of his true motives for resignation and I don’t think it’s because he may hurt his co-horts in Ohio if he stays in during elelction season like Gingrich said. If that was the case, he would have quit in 2012.

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