Jenner Comes Out Against Biological Boys Playing Girls’ Sports: “It’s a question of fairness, we have to protect girls sports” – IOTW Report

Jenner Comes Out Against Biological Boys Playing Girls’ Sports: “It’s a question of fairness, we have to protect girls sports”

MAGA Conservatives:

Do not count Caitlyn Jenner out in the race for California’s governor. She speaks straight to people. She was an accomplished athlete and was hugely successful in business after her career ended. She was on a hit reality show where she was routinely the only character who seemed to have any common sense.

Name recognition is key and she has it. No amount of money can buy a politician thirty years in the spotlight. Coupled with her reputation as a straight shooter in a state annoyed at leaders who lie and flout the rules she may surprise a lot of people.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the last person to win a recall election and get a Dem governor removed from office said as much recently. But it was what she did yesterday that will stand out as a turning point in her campaign if she wins because she took on the fake outrage mob and stared them down. more here

SNIP: Maybe. But we all see how Ahhhnoldt turned out.

19 Comments on Jenner Comes Out Against Biological Boys Playing Girls’ Sports: “It’s a question of fairness, we have to protect girls sports”

  1. Good for him, but he/she will not get my vote, it will go to Ric Grenell.

    Front page of my local rag this morning had an article about the cost ($400 million plus)for the recall with the inference being that it’s all the GOP’s fault for busting the budget.

    If I had to lay odds, I would say that Newsom will survive. Covid cases are down in California and there are 2.5 Dem voters for every Republican.

  2. Nope. Not going for it. Not for a guy that’s born with a wiener and 40 years later cuts it off in hopes of becoming a woman. That is a high level of confusion.

  3. Great.

    Jenner is making perfect sense to me.

    Now I need Electro Shock Therapy. AGAIN!
    My hair just grew back last year.
    Also unfortunate since barbershops are closed in Ontario Canuckistan
    The Rona You know.

    But Kate/Cait/Bruce makes sense.

    F it!

    I will be in meetings with Samuel Adams, Jonathan Daniels, and James Beam.

    See Friends, I’m supporting your economy.

    Those industries have not been off shored yet. Yet!

  4. I don’t much like Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner but I’m glad he’s around and is tossing little monkey wrenches into the prog narrative.

    Jenner is a deviant and mentally ill, but he’s not stupid.

  5. Apparently Bruce Jenner had sexual deviancy issues for decades, was cross-dressing and undergoing various cosmetic surgeries while surreptitiously “transitioning” for years.

    Apparently he isn’t so deluded as to believe that he really is female.


  6. Jenner, of all people, is a unique position to hold an educated opinion on this subject being he is likely the only person alive (or ever) to be an Olympic gold medal winner in a major men’s athletics event and a tranny in a single lifetime. He’d know the nuances of performance advantage way better than the average trans worshiping prog dumbfuck.


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